Lisbon School board members discussed the 2025-26 school year calendar’s rough draft at January’s meeting. A public hearing on the calendar will be held at the February meeting, with the final calendar approved in March.
Superintendent Autumn Pino explained that the focus of the calendar was to make sure it has the proper amount of hours of instruction for the school while meeting the goals the community has expected.
The first day of school for students will be Monday, Aug. 25. The open house for meeting teachers and staff will likely be Wednesday, Aug. 20. Board member Robyn Richey asked if it would be possible to extend hours of open house to begin earlier.
“It’s especially a challenge if you have more than one student and trying to meet all the teachers on the same night,” Richey said.
Elementary principal Justin Brown said that request will be brought to elementary teachers. Brown said the plan is for open house night always to be a few days before the start of any school year as well.
Discussion by the board also was on whether to add the four floating additional teacher contract days to the beginning or end of the school year. Secondary principal Jack Leighty said allowing at least one day at the end of the school year where teachers can work on finalizing grades has been beneficial.
“By the time they turn in final grades, many teachers are ready for their summers to begin,” Leighty said.
One of the areas that was being addressed as well was winter break. The plan for this school year is for students to get out on Dec. 23 for winter break. Winter break for students would end Jan. 5, with students returning to school Jan. 6.
There would be no school on MLK Day Jan. 20.
The proposed early outs for the school for in service days will mostly fall on the second and fourth Wednesdays of a month. There was discussion of shifting one of the early out days in the spring on a week where Lisbon hosts a home track meet to coincide with that day instead, but any changes like that would be communicated to the community well in advance.
May 18 will be the graduation date for the school year.
Board president Jen Caspers said that the choice to end semesters at winter break was a great decision and one she wants to see carried over to the next school year.
“We have received a lot of positive feedback for that change this year,” Caspers said.