New reserve officer joins Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department
David Frankfurt has officially joined the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department as a reserve officer.
Mount Vernon-Lisbon police chief Doug Shannon said that Frankfurt has recently returned from service to the United States Marine Corp, and wanted to join the reserve officer program to learn more about how law enforcement works.
Frankfurt is the son of Jeff Frankfurt, an officer for the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department as well.
Moratorium lifted on smoke shops
The moratorium on smoke and vape shops has been lifted in Mount Vernon.
With the passage of ordinances addressing locations of new smoke or vape shops, the moratorium’s purpose had elapsed.
Water meter reads have first reading
The first water bills have went out with the new water radio meter reads.
According to city administrator Chris Nosbisch, if citizens saw a zero read on their water bill, that might have been due to when the new meter was installed and that meter not speaking to the tower at that time.
“All customers had a minimum bill for water services,” Nosbisch said.
There were a couple other issues identified, like a few meters running backwards, that are being corrected. Another 90 to 91 meters need to be replaced at the moment.
One of the biggest changes was going from cubic feet to gallons used by citizens.
Nosbisch said if customers have a bill that seems abnormally high compared to past usage, they should contact city hall.