The most recent Iowa poll, one of the most respected polls nationally, finds that 59% of Iowans – 69% of Iowa women – disapprove of the 6-week abortion ban. 37% of Iowans – 27% of Iowa women – approve of the law.
This law was passed last year by the Republican-dominated legislature in a one-day special session called specifically to railroad this law into passage without real debate and input from Iowans.
The 37% of Iowans – 27% of Iowa women – who support the 6-week ban deserve to hold and live their values regarding women’s health and decisions. But 1/3 of Iowans – 1/4 of Iowa women – should not dictate the lives of ALL Iowans.
Two-thirds of Iowans – three-fourths of Iowa women – deserve to be represented, especially in decisions that affect their lives and families so personally.
It is time to allow Iowa to return to its original law which allowed abortions until about week 20. It is time to pass laws that reflect the beliefs/values/opinions of the super-majority of Iowans. It is time to stop minority rule in Iowa. It is time to elect Democrats to the state legislature to represent the will of Iowans.
Arlie Willems
Mount Vernon