Lisbon City Council approved the naming of the new pavilion at the sports complex north of Meyers Meadow.
The pavilion will be named Goldin Pavilion, in honor of former Lisbon mayor Steve Goldin. Thad Nevitt, one of Goldin’s children, said that his father loved the town of Lisbon, especially after moving to the town in 1980.
“He considered this town his home town,” Thad said. “We thought this was a fascinating way to honor him and contribute to this community.”
Other children in the Goldin family include Christine Umphress, Michael Goldin, Kat Harrison-Goldin and Josh Goldin. City administrator Brandon Siggins said the city had settled on naming the pavilion Goldin Pavilion to be consistent with the naming rights of items in the new sports complex moving forward.
“All the money for the naming rights stays with the Parks and Recreation department, which will help them moving forward,” Siggins said.
Drayton Kamberling, parks and recreation director, said that in talking with Sportsman Solution, who is doing the fundraising for the complex, they wanted uniformity in the naming conventions. There are a number of ball fields and other buildings that will potentially be named in the complex moving forward.
The Goldin family donated $10,000 to name the pavilion in honor of their father. Council member Mike Williams brought up some issues with the naming of the park just by last name, wondering what happens if a future building was named in honor of a different family member with the same last name.
Thad said while the family’s first preference would have been full name of Steve Goldin for the pavilion, they were happy to move forward with the Goldin Pavilion if that’s what the city dictated.
Council members Nathan Smith, John Bardsley and mayor Doug O’Connor were all supportive of the decision. Goldin was mayor in Lisbon from 1988 to 1993.