Lisbon approves purchase of broom for public works department
The Lisbon public works department approved the purchase of a broom for $6,192.44 that can be attached to the skid loader or end loader.
Public works director Travis Bagby explained that with the work on the water main, the city rented a broom to use for the Bobcat skid loader to clean up dirt from the road. That rental cost was $1,200 per month. It would be cheaper for the city to purchase one instead.
“The city did own one before the derecho, and it was stored behind the city shop,” Bagby said. “It was damaged by a branch falling on it during the derecho and was not fixable.” He wants to go with a broom that can be used by either an end loader or skid loader in the city’s fleet of vehicles.
Trees removed due to illness in Lisbon
Public works director Travis Bagby said that the trees recently removed in Lisbon were all impacted by illness.
“It’s an illness that is easily spread between trees, and in the cases of some of these trees, their roots were intertwined, meaning removing one tree requires removing the other,” Bagby said.
Removing any tree is one of his least favorite parts of the public work department’s job, Bagby said.
There were two additional damaged trees that are likely going to need to be removed in the future for public safety, as they are also dying. Bagby said that he and city engineer David Schechinger will also be discussing trees that might need to be removed because they are in the path of the next water main improvement project.
“I hate removing trees, especially with how many we lost in the derecho,” Bagby said.
Street painting starting in Lisbon
Motorists are asked to keep an eye out while driving on city streets. Public works crews will be working on painting the streets in the community over the next month.
Lisbon lead lined surveys requests
The City of Lisbon is completing a lead service line inventory of the community as part of the Environmental Protection Association regulatory frameworks passed in 2021. The city needs a database of materials used in the city’s customer service lines. The lines are either lead, galvanized steel, copper or PEX, and examples of each pipe is shown in the survey.
Residents and business owners are encouraged to identify their private service line material by filling out a survey on the City of Lisbon’s website ( or via Facebook. If you have questions, contact city hall at 319-455-2459.