MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024 10:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Running-Marquardt and Supervisor Zumbach. Absent: Vice Chairperson Rogers (personal business). Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt called the meeting to order.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Running-Marquart to approve minutes of July 1, 2024 as printed.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to approve minutes of July 2, 2024 as printed.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve claims dated 7/5/24 for payroll deduction checks #71014928 – #71014932 in the amount of $595.33, ACH in the amount of $21,539.13, an EFT Wire in the amount of $21,283.71, and a Ceridian ER Funds Trust Wire in the amount of $2,154,643.91, for a total of $2,198,062.08.
Carter Baldwin, LIFTS Dir., discussed a contract for service between Linn County LIFTS and Access2Care to provide Medicaid-funded transportation. Legal reviewed the contract and added additional information. Baldwin noted that this contract does not cover Medicaid medical trips as that is a different contract. This contract only covers Medicaid waiver trips.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt questioned the difference between Medicaid waiver trips versus Medicaid medical trips and Baldwin responded that a waiver is part of the Medicaid services through Medicaid waiver programs. There are extra challenges to provide Medicaid medical trips, but he will look into it.
Supervisor Zumbach asked about the cost and Baldwin explained that the fare is higher than Linn County’s and Linn County will receive money from Access2Care.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve a contract for service between Linn County LIFTS and Access2Care to provide Medicaid-funded transportation.
Charlie Nichols, Planning & Development Dir., presented a resolution setting a Date for a Public Hearing on a Proposal to Convey Real Property, and Providing for Publication of Notice.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to adopt Resolution 2024-7-104
WHEREAS, the Linn County, Iowa Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) received a request from Dows Agri Community Development LLC for the sale and conveyance of certain real property (the “Property”) to Dows Agri Community Development LLC; and
WHEREAS, the Board wishes to proceed to sell and convey said Property, which is located generally between Dows Road, Mount Vernon Road SE, and Wantaee Creek Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is more particularly described as:
See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
WHEREAS, Iowa Code Section 331.361 requires counties to hold a public hearing prior to making a determination on a proposal to sell and convey real property.
WHEREAS, the County established an Urban Renewal Area encompassing the Property.
WHEREAS, Iowa Code Section 403.8 sets forth requirements for the sale by the County of real property located in an Urban Renewal Area and the County issued a request for qualifications on August 3, 2020, and invited qualified parties to submit proposals to purchase and develop the Property in keeping with the County’s plans for development of the Property as an agri-community.
WHEREAS, the County selected a developer for the Property and entered into a Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with Dows Agri Community Development LLC which Agreement was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 11, 2022.
WHEREAS, the County and Dows Agri Community Development LLC wish to close on the sale and purchase of a part of the Property as contemplated in the Purchase Agreement and compliance with Iowa Code Section 331.361 is necessary.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board as follows:
The Board will hold a public hearing on the proposal to sell and convey the Property on the 22nd day of July 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Formal Board Room of the Linn County Public Service Center located at 935 – 2nd Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at which time any interested person may appear and file objections to the proposal, and, after hearing objections, the Board may proceed with approval of said proposal.
The Board hereby authorizes and directs the publication of a notice of public hearing on the proposal at least once, not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing in one or more newspapers which meet the requirements of Iowa Code Section 618.14. The Notice shall be in substantially the form of the Notice attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference.
Sara Bearrows, Budget Dir., discussed Fiscal Year 2025 vehicle purchases totaling $160,000 noting that this was discussed in January, but they did not make a decision on vehicles. She also added that all of the vehicle requests cannot be funded.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt stated that she is looking at what makes sense and that is the top two priority requests for Linn County Community Services and then the top two for Conservation. She thanked the staff that assisted in a fleet assessment they recently completed.
Daniel Gibbins, Deputy Dir., stated that Conservation would like to swap their priorities to the truck and then the van.
The Board will approve Wednesday.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to approve Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations) as follows:
Admin Asst I Beverly Hayden Transferring position to Facilities 7/1/24 $32.53/hour
Deputy Auditor Amanda Hoy Correction to wage rate from 7/1/24 roster 7/1/24 57E $30.69-$74,411.94/annually
Admin Asst I Beverly Hayden Position transferred from BOS 7/1/24 $32.53/hour
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to appoint Karla Hogan to the Food Systems Council for a term ending December 31, 2028.
Adjournment at 10:16 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Amanda Hoy, Deputy Auditor
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun July 18 2024