(Subject to Approval)
July 8th, 2024
CALL TO ORDER: The City Council of Lisbon, Iowa, met in regular session on July 8th, 2024, at 7:00p.m. with Mayor Doug O’Connor presiding. The following City Council members were present: John Bardsley, Mike Williams, Keven Steele, Nathan Smith and Rick Scott.
OTHERS PRESENT: Drayton Kamberling, Brandon Siggins, Travis Bagby, Doug Shannon, Cindy Golding, Cheryl Bryant, Brandy Zumbach Meisheid, Susan Wolrab, and Jerad Boots. Becky Hess and Dave Schechinger were present via zoom.
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Williams, seconded by Smith to approve the consent agenda consisting of minutes of June 24th, list of bills, utility refunds and June Treasurer’s Report. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Brandy Zumbach Meisheid introduced herself to the council and those in attendance. Zumbach is running for Linn County Supervisor.
House Representative Cindy Golding gave an update on House activities and area impacts.
Jerad Boots presented all items and requests from the Sauerkraut Day Committee for the upcoming event on August 15th – 17th. Motion by Scott, seconded by Smith to approve all requests. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Smith to purchase an Angle Broom from Bobcat. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution 22-2024 FY25 Capital Improvement and LOST Transfers. Roll call vote. Ayes: Bardsley, Williams, Steele, Smith, Scott. Absent: None. Nays: None. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Williams, seconded by Smith to Set a Public Hearing for FY25 Budget Amendment #1 for August 26th, 2024. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
The council received the following reports from city departments:
City Engineer Dave Schechinger – checked water main grass areas, Business 30 overlay work to begin after Sauerkraut Days.
Parks & Recreation Director Drayton Kamberling – fall sports registration has started, turf tank has been delivered and training will be next week.
Public Works Director Travis Bagby – took oak trees down on Main that were diseased, trees near it are dropping dead limbs as well and showing signs of disease, two good trees along water main may need to come down but hoping to work plans around these trees to keep them. As per the purchase agreement between Global Water and Linn County Cooperative, they are looking to release the escrow and Travis is working with V&K to get this completed. Splash pad gate is getting worn out at the gate closure, a new gate will be needed by next summer. Will be painting streets and ask residents to please slow down and watch for our crews. Lead line survey still needs to be completed and is available online or by calling City Hall.
City Administrator Brandon Siggins – bathtub races for Sauerkraut Days, pancake breakfast on Labor Day, received a $2,000 grant for training through Linn County. Have completed nine nuisance packets, grass mowing, met with Dave, Travis and the school concerning re-sloping of the ditch, building permits, donation for pavilion naming rights at the complex is in the works, one stump left from derecho/ash/water main trees. Watermain work on West Main to start after Sauerkraut Days, City Hall siding work this week, and message sign installation has begun.
Council reminded citizens of all the services available at SE Linn and that they are in need for volunteers. They also thanked the Sauerkraut Day Committee for all their efforts throughout the year. Touch a truck event is working on a possible reschedule date.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Williams to go into closed session at 7:30pm to discuss possible purchase/sale of real property. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Williams, seconded by Bardsley to go out of closed session at 8:00pm. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Bardsley to have City Administrator Siggins pursue negotiations as discussed in closed session. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Doug O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 8:04pm. Christina Eicher, City Clerk Doug O’Connor, Mayor
Published in the MVL Sun, July 18, 2024