Lisbon Community School
Regular Board Meeting
June 17, 2024 – Lisbon CSD Pride Room – 6:00 p.m.
President Caspers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members present: Caspers, Baker, Mallie, Prasil, Richey
Members absent: None
Motion by Mallie, second by Richey to approve the Agenda. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Mrs. Kibbie gave a PBIS presentation and discussed the following: academic grade level standards, Tier I
and II interventions, data collection, helping kids with small groups, rewards for positive behavior, clear
expectations, helping with responsibilities and skills, SAIG groups, social skills, lunch buddies,
elementary tickets, Lion Loot for (MS) snacks, semester awards ceremonies, survey data and action
plans, education of PBIS to staff, and the differences between Elementary and Secondary PBIS.
Motion by Prasil, second by Mallie to approve the Vista School Business Software Agreement. All ayes
motion carried (5-0).
Motion by Prasil, second by Richey to approve the Premier furniture order for our facilities project at a
cost of $87,185.11 as presented. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Motion by Baker, second by Mallie to approve the Varsity Group foyer design elements. All ayes motion
carried (5-0).
Motion by Richey, second by Prasil to approve an individual Board Secretary position due to the
upcoming change of having a shared Business Manager. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Motion by Mallie, second by Richey to approve the FY25 Rates for LECC. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Board Member Baker gave a Facilities update to include glass for the weight room addition, CTE addition
slab being poured shortly, roof work, and working on structural issues for brick wall area.
Superintendent Pino discussed the LECC expansion to include 4 classrooms being open, will be at full
capacity by the end of summer, we’ll be adding a 3rd section of 3-year-old Preschool in the fall,
enrollment numbers for older kids are much higher than usual, state childcare assistance is going to
increase, taking a close look at food and nutrition, discussed childcare rate increases, and looking at
staffing and scheduling.
Secondary Principal Leighty discussed Secondary Assessment Tools including ISASP and MAP testing,
they will be moving to FAST testing which takes less academic time, and the assessments become part of
the classroom curriculum.
Superintendent Pino discussed negotiations, which was positive and as mutually beneficial as it could be
with all this year’s changes, Grant Wood AEA services, and the safety grant process.
Secondary Principal Leighty discussed graduation, which was a huge success, summer school started a
week ago and is 3 days/week for Secondary credit recovery, class schedules for next year, bell schedule
changes for next year – the day will begin at 8:10 a.m., WIN (What I Need) time is being moved to the
end of the school day, and moving to 2 lunch shifts and 2 periods of PE during the day.
Elementary Principal Brown discussed the Elementary School Improvement Plan, goals and action steps,
celebrating growth in kids, maintaining proficiency, grade-level academic and behavioral expectations,
at-risk students, adequate progress and growth, kids testing out of special education, leadership team
meetings, goals for next year, all open positions are hired, the walkathon raised over $23,000 (not
including the Brothers roundup), playground materials are here including a gaga ball pit, tetherball, 4-
square courts and hopscotch areas, report cards are being mailed, school supply kits are available
through June 30th
, and summer school has 103 kids and 7 teachers.
Upcoming Board Meetings are as follows:
July 10, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Regular School Board Meeting
August 14, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Regular School Board Meeting
Motion by Baker, second by Prasil to approve the Consent Agenda minus Contractual. All ayes motion
carried (5-0).
Motion by Mallie, second by Baker to approve Contractual. All ayes motion carried (4-0) with Jen
Caspers abstaining from the vote.
The Board Moved into Exempt Session at 7:44 p.m. for the purpose of discussing strategy related to
Collective Bargaining pursuant to Iowa Code 20.17(3).
Discussion took place.
The Board exited Exempt Session at 8:25 p.m.
Motion by Mallie, second by Richey to approve FY25 LECC staff contracts. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Motion by Baker, second by Prasil to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. All ayes motion carried (5-0).
Laurie Maher Jen Caspers
Board Secretary Board President
Published in the MVL Sun, July 11, 2024