Democracy: Let’s Talk About It
Are you outraged by what the Republican legislature has done to you and every other Iowan, taking away rights from public schools, local governments, women and their families, LGBTQ+ adults and youth, working folks, and all voters? Are you afraid for the future of this country if Trump becomes president and makes good his promises of retribution to anyone he considers his enemy within the U.S. and his intentions to weaken our country’s relationships with our allies (to the benefit of Putin)? Have you felt helpless as you digest the news daily, hearing of the constant barrage of mass shootings that make us and our children fearful, the pictures of brave Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom with dwindling supplies of ammunition, and the descriptions of the atrocities in the Middle East?
If any of these concerns trouble you, there is something you CAN do. 1) Remember that Franklin D. Roosevelt, at a crucial time in history, told our parents and grandparents, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” 2) Address those fears by joining like-minded, concerned fellow patriots for discussions of these crucial issues and 3) become involved in the work to get voters to the polls next November. The time to begin is now.
Join the Democrats for Democracy at Local Glyn Winery – The Local in downtown Mount Vernon between 6 and 8 on Thursday, March 7th. Snacks will be provided. Discuss those fears with friends, old and new. Find out ways you can put your fears and concerns into actions that will make this state and nation a better place to raise the next generation. For more information, call or text 319-364-2134. Together, we can make a difference.
Arlie Willems
Mount Vernon