The City of Mount Vernon approved a $399,500 contract with JEO consulting for work on the Mount Vernon streetscape project.
City administrator Chris Nosbisch said the original estimate was for $364,000, but the city opted for a larger contract to allow for more community input on the project.
“We wanted to err more on the side of caution and make sure that we had ample opportunities for the community and impacted people to weigh in on the streetscape project,” Nosbisch said. “There are numerous groups who will be discussing this project.”
Jeremy Kenner of JEO Consulting said the first processes will be completing a survey on the project, discovery work on the project and then visioning of what the streetscape project will look like, with preliminary design and final design coming by January 2025. The first meetings on the project will be held soon.
“We have a lot of groups who will want to discuss this streetscape project before it goes out to bid,” Nosbisch said.
Council approves tuition assistance for officerThe City of Mount Vernon approved three semesters of tuition reimbursement for Officer Jason Blinks, who is completing classes to earn a bachelor of science in criminal justice from Upper Iowa University. The reimbursement is for $3,000 for the fall 2023 semester, $3,000 for the spring 2024 semester and $3,000 for fall 2024.
City administrator Chris Nosbisch said this was part of the succession planning for the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department, and if Blinks were to leave employment with the city within the three years of his completion date of his degree, he would need to reimburse the city at a prorated share of the tuition.
Chief Doug Shannon said because it is an evening course, it doesn’t impact Blinks’ schedule for an officer.
“This is one of the challenges we face when retaining and recruiting officers,” said council member Scott Rose.
Council meetings rescheduled The next Mount Vernon city council meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Council member Mark Andresen asked that the council meeting scheduled for Martin Luther King Jr. Day be rescheduled, noting the holiday and caucuses in the area scheduled for the same evening.
“Mount Vernon has always had a strong civic duty and participation when it comes to items like voting, and it’s a good idea to relocate our meeting to give people a chance to caucus,” Andresen said.
The council also rescheduled the council meeting set for Monday, Feb. 19, to Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m., due to the President’s Day holiday.
Council member
Debra Herrmann
offers parting thoughts Council member Debra Herrmann offered her parting thoughts after leaving city council after two terms in office.
It has been a privilege and honor to serve the community of Mount Vernon for the last seven years as a council person,” Herrmann said. “I greatly appreciate the chance to gain and strengthen relationships, also to contribute to the culture of positivity and trust within the city operations and larger community.
“I am very proud specifically of the accomplishments of the housing commission, bringing online the LBC, planning for the pool project, providing a method to celebrate diversity, navigating COVID and recovery from a little wind storm.
“As most of you know or will soon learn, the work of the council is never done. Keep up the great work and our town will continue to benefit.”
Streetscape contract approved for Mount Vernon
January 11, 2024
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.