The annual Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty (formerly known as the Fourth of July Antiques Extravaganza) is an open-air show located in “Uptown” Mount Vernon, Iowa each July 4. In addition to the vendor booths, antique shops, specialty shops, and cafes along First Street remain open for the event.
The event will take place Tuesday, July 4, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine.
The antique vendor application is available online.
The open-air antiques market will feature over 70 vendor booths. More than 8,000 visitors are expected for the one-day-only outdoor sale. Mount Vernon’s historic First Street will be closed to traffic for the day, creating a Pedestrian Mall with an outdoor food court and vendor booths set up and down three blocks of Mount Vernon’s Uptown Business District.
The Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty focuses on vintage, agricultural, repurposed, industrial, primitive, and retro pieces, as well as traditional collectibles and antiques.
The event remains popular with the antique-buying public because of its Uptown location on a hill that allows the festival to go on rain or shine. And the festival’s location right in front of Mount Vernon’s air-conditioned shops and restaurants, including multiple antique shops, offers a comfortable retreat from the outdoor, open-air festival.
As always the event is free and open to the public with indoor antique stores, free parking, and plenty of cool inside dining available.
Lincoln Highway Nitty Gritty returns this year
June 22, 2023