Week six of the legislative session has come to a close; here are some of the highlights.
A notable bill from this week’s floor debate is SF 75. This bill creates a new license for hospitals called rural emergency hospitals (REH). A rural emergency hospital means a facility that provides rural emergency health services 24/7 and does not provide any inpatient acute care. This designation would help stabilize rural hospitals that may be struggling and help bring in more money through Medicare. Additionally, SF 75 includes state licensure of ambulatory surgical centers to provide better enforcement and transparency of these health facilities. Many rural Iowans share concerns about access to healthcare services. This bill, which passed unanimously in the Senate, will help alleviate some of these concerns.
The property tax reform policy proposed by Senate Republicans, SSB 1124, has passed through subcommittee. This legislation was formed because property taxes in Iowa are too high. Iowa currently ranks 40th in the country in the cost of property taxes.
We frequently hear that Iowans are even more concerned about future increases. SSB 1124 will simplify and consolidate around 20 different levies. Two different levies will be eliminated because other revenue exists for those services. Hard caps passed by the legislature have been worked around by some local governments. This bill will reinstate those caps and put more control on spending growth. Lastly, it will increase voter transparency and participation in bond referenda and debt consolidation.
Governor Reynolds shared her priority of making government, “efficient, effective, and small again” during her Condition of the State address. This priority has been introduced as Senate Study Bill 1123. It will streamline Iowa’s 37 cabinet agencies to 16. There have been several subcommittees on this bill to allow affected parties to speak and for Senators to hear from the public. This bill remains in the subcommittee stage (as of 2/19).
I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email (Charlie.McClintock@legis.iowa.gov) with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of District 42.
From the Statehouse: Rural emergency hospital bill debated, property tax reform advances Senate
Senator Charlie McClintock
Senate District 42
February 23, 2023