TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2022 9:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Rogers and Vice Chairperson Zumbach. Absent: Supervisor Walker (other county business). Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
The Board received updates from the following Elected Officials:
Brian Gardner, Sheriff – continue to work with local architect to plan for ARPA fund expenditures for Correctional Center; testing again for Deputy Sheriff positions (5) on January 7, 2023.
Discussion continued regarding strategies or legislative priorities to incentivize applicants for Deputy Sheriff or Police Officers.
Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Zumbach stated that they have been approached by city leaders interested in the future of the Correctional Center and moving it off the island.
Nick Maybanks, Attorney – caseload statistics (numbers are down from last month); reviewing older cold cases; agreed to serve on the Iowa State Crisis Intervention Advisory Board; new receptionist starting soon and a upcoming retirement of a staff member; working on finding grants for a Domestic Abuse Prosecutor; looking to remedy a loophole in the Iowa Code that is allowing earned credit for violent/repeat offenders; working with Cedar Rapids Comm. School Dist. to expose students to the criminal justice system; next year is 100 years for the Linn County Courthouse (like to see that acknowledged); space needs and Marijuana Diversion Program.
Chairperson Rogers asked if it is possible to provide additional information regarding the amount of time spent on each felony case and Maybanks stated that it is difficult to quantify as it depends on each case.
Sharon Gonzalez, Treasurer – they now know who the new Treasurer will be and she is working with him on answering questions and getting information. He wanted to meet with staff one on one and they have gone through that process. She continues to work with him on the budget. She thanked the Board as they have had her back for the most part and she is grateful for the additional staff and support.
Chairperson Rogers stated that the Treasurer’s Office has the most customers and she has done a great job of trying to improve the public’s expectations of what they receive from county government. He thanked Gonzalez for dedicating her entire career to Linn County.
Matt Warfield, Deputy Auditor on behalf of Auditor Miller – focusing on what they will do in the next month or two. Looking at the ballot review process (last election left an office off the ballot). Mr. Banowetz and Mr. Mason met with him after the election and walked away with the understanding that it was not malicious but in fact a technology error. He wants to convey to all members of the public that they are welcome to have a conversation at any time regarding how the office is operated. Warfield continued to say that they are looking at developing a piece of software to ensure races match up with precincts and splits. It is especially important going into the city/school election next year as there are far more ballot styles and precincts. Taking a deep dive into every one of their processes and have asked staff to express their concerns if they have any. Looking to expand the number of precincts in hopes of eliminating congested polling places. Looking forward to talking to the Linn Mar Superintendent to consider November 2024 as a teacher In Service Day.
Chairperson Rogers stated that reviewing their processes is important, noting that there were several people who missed the fact that the Supervisor’s office was left off the ballot (it wasn’t just one person). Having review processes for that is warranted. However, Warfield and his staff work in an environment where all eyes are on elections and even though there were complications and some issues that not anyone wants, people pivoted quickly and reacted appropriately. They are now looking at safeguards and the Auditor’s office is committed to ensure that best practices are always in place.
Adjournment 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
BEN ROGERS, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun, Dec. 15, 2022.
Linn BoS Dec 6 minutes
December 15, 2022