MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2022 11:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Rogers, Vice Chairperson Zumbach and Supervisor Walker. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Rogers called the meeting to order.
Chairperson Rogers asked for a moment of silence to honor Noreen Bush, Superintendent of Cedar Rapids School District, who courageously battled cancer and passed away.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve minutes of Oct. 18 & 19, 2022 as printed.
Janine DeVries, Sheriff’s Office, presented a Vacancy Form requesting to change a position from Secretary to a Senior Account Clerk for the Sheriff’s Office. She stated that five secretaries in the Civil Division have been converted to the Sr. Account Clerk position and this is the last position to convert (current staff member is retiring). The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to open a public hearing to determine whether Linn County will convey to Heidi L. Sherman, whatever interest Linn County may have in vacated right-of-way along former alleys lying Lots 3 and 4, and Lots 1 and 2 of said Johnsons First Addition, Block 7. Proof of publication was presented. There were no oral or written objections.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to close public hearing.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to open public hearing to determine whether Linn County will convey to Lonnie Oliphant, Zonna Bonar and Nina Williams, whatever interest Linn County may have in vacated right-of-way along former alley lying between Lots 7 and 8, Lots 5 and 6 of said Johnsons First Addition, Block 7. Proof of publication was presented. There were no oral or written objections.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to close public hearing.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to open public hearing to determine whether Linn County will convey to Gary L. Holsinger, whatever interest Linn County may have in vacated right-of-way along former Second Street lying north of Lot 2 and north of the alley between Lot 1 and Lot 2 of said Johnsons First Addition, Block 7. Proof of publication was presented. There were no oral or written objections.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to close public hearing.
Darrin Gage, Dir. of Policy & Admin. presented a Resolution to provide for a Notice of Public Hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated total cost for the Linn County Secondary Road District 1 Shop Building – Phase 2 Project, and for the taking of bids on said project. He stated that this is for a new Secondary Road Dist. 1 Shop that will ultimately combine the Morgan Creek and Toddville Shops. The $3.7 million is in the budget (CIP, rural fund, FEMA and Secondary Rds.).
Sarah Coleman, Martin Gardner, stated that this is a 26,000 sq. ft. metal bldg. and gave her engineers estimate opinion of costs.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to adopt Resolution 2022-10-162
WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Linn County, Iowa Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) authorize the construction of the public improvement(s) as described in the proposed plans, specifications, and form of contract prepared by Martin Gardner Architecture (the “Project Architect”), which may be hereinafter referred to as the “Linn County Secondary Road District 1 Shop Building – Phase 2 Project”, or the “Project”; and,
WHEREAS, the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated total cost for the project (the “Contract Documents”) are on file with the Board; and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary to set a time and place for a public hearing on the Contract Documents, to publish a Notice of Public Hearing on the Contract Documents, and to advertise for sealed bids on the Project.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board as follows:
1. The Board hereby approves the proposed contract documents referred to in this Resolution, as prepared by the Project Architect, in their preliminary form.
2. The Board hereby determines that the Project is necessary and desirable for Linn County (the “County”) and finds that it is in the best interest of the County to proceed toward the construction of the Project.
3. The Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed contract documents on November 21, 2022 at 11:00 am in the Formal Board Room of the Linn County Public Service Center located at 935 – 2nd Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at which time any interested person may appear and file objections
to the proposed Contract Documents, and, after hearing objections, the Board may proceed with approval of said Contract Documents.
4. The Board hereby authorizes and directs the publication of a notice of public hearing on the Contract Documents for the Project at least once, not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing in one or more newspapers that meet the requirements of Iowa Code Section 618.14.
5. The Board hereby delegates to the Linn County Purchasing Director and/or his designee(s) the duty of receiving bids for the construction of the Project until 2:00 pm on November 18, 2022, at the Jean Oxley Linn County Public Service Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
6. The Board hereby sets November 21, 2022, at 11:00 am in the Formal Board Room of the Jean Oxley Linn County Public Service Center as the time and place that the Board or its designee will open and announce the bids received for construction of the Project, and that the Board will consider said bids.
7. The Board hereby fixes the amount of the bid security to accompany each bid at five (5) percent of the amount of the bid.
8. The Board hereby authorizes and directs advertisement for sealed bids for the Project in accordance with Iowa Code Section 26.3.
Public Comment:
Supervisor Walker stated that he had the privilege of speaking to Swati Dandikar this morning and noted that this is the last day of Diwali and he wished everyone a happy Diwali.
Chairperson Rogers stated that he had the honor last week along with other staff members to celebrate Britt Nielsen receiving the Corridor Business Journal’s Forty Under 40 award.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations) as follows:
Secretary Tricia Nunemaker Promotion – internal applicant 10/22/22 53B $18.06 – 55B $20.90 Replaces T. Sayasit-Crosser
Female Correctional Officer Raelynn Dawon-Jensen Transfer – internal applicant 10/22/22 55E $24.49 – 56D $25.06 + $ .25
HIV/HCV/STI Outreach Coord. Kursten Lyon Step increase/contract Eff Dte: 11/16/22 39C $33.53 – 39D $35.28
Air Quality Scientist Andrea Hankemeier Step increase/contract 11/15/22 39B $31.83 – 39C $33.53
Air Quality Branch Supervisor Wanda Reiter Kintz Correction to cost center 06/11/22
Environ. Hlth. Tech. Colin Brose Step increase/contract 11/01/22 57B $24.48 – 57C $25.70Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to go into Closed Session to discuss pending litigation, pursuant to Code of Iowa 21.5 (1)( c).VOTE: Walker – Aye Rogers – Aye Zumbach – Aye
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to go out of Closed Session.VOTE: Walker – Aye Rogers – Aye Zumbach – Aye
Adjournment at 11:57 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
BEN ROGERS, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, Nov. 3, 2022.
Linn BoS Oct. 24 minutes
November 3, 2022