TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2022 9:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Rogers, Vice Chairperson Zumbach and Supervisor Walker. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Rogers called the meeting to order.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve minutes of October 17, 2022, as printed.
The Board received updates from the following Department Heads:
Charlie Nichols, Planning & Development Dir. – KPI’s; budget update; made offer for open Planner position but was declined – working with HR to see what needs to be changed; working with municipalities for housing inspections (28E’s coming forward); continuing to train new inspectors; Permit Tech. training; bringing forward a zoning fee schedule change (updating to be in line with other jurisdictions); will bring a pipeline ordinance to the Board; solar moratorium group will meet Nov. 1 (he will be requesting an extension of moratorium); and permit activity stats.
Discussion continued regarding a proposed pipeline ordinance.
Supervisor Walker advised Nichols to make it as safe as possible but to avoid making it intentionally cumbersome in an effort to not invite unnecessary lawsuits.
Supervisor Zumbach stated that after talking to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB), Linn County can write an ordinance to help guide the pipeline but can’t write anything that would prohibit it. He encouraged Nichols to get something out before Wolfe submits a petition.
Nichols stated that it is important to pay particular attention to the municipalities noting that some are growing faster than others. Linn County does not have the final say but they want to address safety, don’t preempt the state and work with IUB.
With regard to the Planning & Zoning Comm. meeting last evening, Supervisor Zumbach received many phone calls whereby residents had the opportunity to voice their opinion regarding a proposed subdivision east of Central City (on Sawyer Rd.), but that they had the impression that it was a “done deal” as driveways were already installed and a house is going up. Zumbach stressed that he is not saying that the subdivision is right or wrong, he is simply saying that nothing has been approved and the cart has clearly gotten before the horse. Residents see the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting as a fairytale meeting and would be a waste of time to attend. Opinions need to matter. He would like to look at a change whereby if anything is done before it is approved, they will be denied.
Nichols explained that in this particular case, the driveways have no entrance permits and they have not talked to Secondary Roads. They are moving ahead full steam before going through the process.
Discussion continued regarding priorities of the Planning & Development Dept. and Supervisor Zumbach stated that this issue is a top priority for him.
Britt Hutchins, Purchasing Dir. – budget is on track; fully staffed; postage statistics; sustainability program presentation given to his department; starting to meet with departments regarding the purchasing process; worked on bids for various departments; a staff member attended the National Inst. of Govt. Purchasing meeting; a Conservation truck has been moved to Facilities; supply chain issues (continue to struggle w/ vehicles).
Supervisor Zumbach suggested that the Board make it known that they do not want to see requests for vehicles or large equipment purchases for the next year’s budget (based on information received regarding availability and price).
Steve Estenson, Risk Management Dir. – working on budget for Risk and Self Retaining Insurance fund; working on KPI’s for budget presentation; Health and Safety Fair had excellent attendance; reimbursement money is coming in from the State; seeing inflation with FEMA projects (estimates vs. actuals); panic button updates and security/surveillance; working with departments on first aide/CPR; reviewing safety items with departments as well as ergonomic reviews; working with OSHA on Sheriff’s Office air quality items of concern.
Chairperson Rogers noted that there was a person that used a camera to video county employees/operations on Friday and stated that there is a need to educate departments. This can be an agenda item at the next Elected Official/Dept. Head meeting.
Joi Alexander, Communications Dir. — attended a conference about first amendment auditor training and will present again; KPI’s and new products; communication projects (signage for elections, etc.); beginning to work on PAFR; working w/ Sustainability, Secondary Roads and Planning & Development (year in review); website updates and responses to online questions; third quarter social media training held; working with IT re: online forms; Employee Recognition Breakfast is tomorrow; Civic
Clerk Agenda Software contract coming to the Board; Communication and Media Relation policies; and crisis communication plan (critical to have on file).
Darrin Gage, Dir. of Policy & Admin. and Interim Facilities Dir. – Budgets on track; Facilities maintenance contracts have increased (budget amendment will be needed); new Sr. Facilities Worker started at the Public Service Center; Facilities Manager and Board of Supervisor Clerk Typist positions are on his desk to finalize job descriptions; ARPA on agenda tomorrow for funding decisions; sent out request for legislative priorities (Nov. 10 deadline); openings for the Water and Land Legacy Review Board will be coming available; construction projects; Homeless Shelter progress report; and Granicus Civic Plus project (hardware and software).
Discussion followed regarding filing a possible vacancy of Deputy Director of Policy & Comm. Relations and any changes to the job description.
Supervisor Walker asked about a possible deadline for an update and timeline for when the Harris Building will have a public use policy.
Adjournment at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
BEN ROGERS, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, Nov. 3, 2022.
Linn BoS Oct 18
November 3, 2022