MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2022 11:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Rogers, Vice Chairperson Zumbach and Supervisor Walker. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Rogers called the meeting to order.
Public Comment
Barb Rhame, 2250 Washington Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, spoke on behalf of the library and its support of the westside project as it relates to the ARPA funds. She is on the Board of Friends of the Cedar Rapids Library and sees a lot of activity especially on the mornings of the farmers markets. The westside project is a perfect example of partnerships that are both public and private working toward equity in the community. The Ladd Library has done such great work with outreach and providing services to an underserved population, particularly on the westside. They have really outgrown their facility, so she urged the Board to support the westside project.
Dave Franzman, Robins City Council, and parks coordinator, spoke on behalf of the Robins application for ARPA funds ($395,000 for the Robins Square Landing). This is a very large restroom type facility for a future park for Robins (10 acres). It has a good regional connection that will serve a number of communities. They envision this as a trail hub that will connect to the Cedar Valley Nature Trail. He noted that Robins has committed to making trails from all sections of the city that will follow the ITC Powerline (they have an agreement with ITC to use their corridors) to make a trail system that will connect into the park and the Cedar Valley Nature Trail (making it a hub for the entire area). It will serve more than just the citizens of Robins and asked the Board to give it due consideration.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve minutes of Oct. 12, 2022 as printed.
Chairperson Rogers asked that the Board move their decision on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding distributions to Wednesday to allow more time to review the dozens of pages of applications.
Supervisor Zumbach concurred and also suggested a special session on Tuesday to work through their priorities.
Supervisor Walker concurred with Wednesday, noting that it is really difficult to make decisions as a three member board and still stay within the confines of the open meetings law. He is trying to communicate with communities, staff, and would also like to have input from Supervisor Zumbach on applications that most affect his district.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to remove from the agenda decision on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding distributions and place on Wednesday’s agenda.
Dawn Schott, Juvenile Detention & Diversion Serv., presented a request for a Vacancy Form requesting a Part time Temporary Tracker for Juvenile Detention and Diversion Services. A staff member has been on workers comp. since December and she hopes this position will fill the gap until resolved. The funding is all billable hours to the grant. The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Luke Maloney, Building Official, presented a new 28E Agreement between Linn County and the City of Mount Vernon for Property Maintenance Inspection services. The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Darrin Gage, Dir. of Policy & Admin., presented a Resolution approving the contract and performance and/or Payment Bonds for the Linn County Secondary Road District #1 Shop – Phase I Project.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to adopt Resolution 2022-10-160
WHEREAS, the Linn County Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) on October 3, 2022
awarded a contract for the “Linn County Secondary Road District #1 Shop – Phase 1 Project” (the “Project”), to Connolly Construction (the “Contractor”) and fixed the amount of the performance and/or payment bonds required for the Project; and,
WHEREAS, the contract for the Project is duly signed by the Contractor, and the contract appears to be in proper form; and,
WHEREAS, the Contractor filed satisfactory performance and/or payment bonds in the
amount fixed by the Board.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves the aforementioned
contract and performance and/or payment bonds, authorizes the Board chairperson to execute said contract, and declares the contract and performance and/or payment bonds binding upon the parties thereto.
Public Comment:
Supervisor Zumbach announced the birth of his grandson.
Supervisor Walker acknowledged the the presence of his Aunt Charrisse who recently retired from the Cedar Rapids Comm. School Dist. after 30 years of service.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve the following Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations):
Universal Clerk Elizabeth Fredin New hire – FT 10/31/22 56A $21.42
Replaces L. Ash
Universal Clerk Sharel Saunders-Wilson New hire – FT 10/31/22 56A $21.42 Replaces T. Hansen
Universal Clerk Cori Mason New hire – FT 10/31/22 56A $21.42 Replaces T. Fine
Deputy Sheriff Derek Palmquist Transfer from Correctional Center to Patrol 10/29/22 D5 $36.65 – D5 $36.25
Deputy Sheriff Matthew Ruzicka New hire – FT 10/31/22 DB $30.18
Female Correctional Officer Chantel McDowell End of probation 10/25/22 56A $21.42 + $ .25 – 56B $22.51 + $ .25
Senior Account Clerk Matthew Moses New hire – FT 11/14/22 55A $19.92 Replaces S. Hutchins
Assistant Teacher Sandra Waddell Termination/retirement 12/05/22
Soil Health Alyssa Guritz Correction to cost center and hire date 10/31/22
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to approve Claims for payroll deduction checks #71008756-#71008777 in the amt. of $357,266.50 payroll deduction ACH in the amt. of $57,524.71, and payroll wires in the amt. of $2,206,198.49 for a total of $2,620,989.70.
Adjournment at 11:16 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
BEN ROGERS, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, Oct. 27, 2022
Linn BoS Oct 17 minutes
October 27, 2022