We just passed “National Read a Book Day,” which was celebrated Tuesday, Sept. 6.
For some of us, reading a book is something that happens just like breathing. We take off to worlds of fiction and fantasy, or delve into non-fiction to learn more about a subject that has enamored us.
Some of us have stacks of books we’ve purchased with the intention to read, and our stacks keep getting larger.
Others, books may be something that have been enjoyed in the past, but have taken a backseat as we’re busy in other parts of our lives.
They can be read digitally, on phones or other electronic devices when we have 15 minutes in the midst of our day-to-day activities.
Or they can be savored with every word as we work our way through an evening beverage.
Or it may be listening to an author or actor read an author’s works as we’re commuting to and from work, on road trips or tackling other areas where reading a book at the same time as accomplishing that task is not safe.
The joy of National Read a Book Day is just because it may have passed, there’s still every chance to read a book whenever and however we want. Books are always there whenever we want to crack the spine, hit play or delve into their worlds once more.
So crack into a good book, whatever the genre might be that tickles your fancy, even if it is a few days late.
Sun Editorial: Crack a book, even if National Read A Book Day has since passed
September 8, 2022