On policingPolicing should be special.
Policing means maintaining law and order by preventing lawlessness. They can do this by getting to know those they are policing. The only way to know them is to socialize with them which would create mutual trust.
With trust anything is possible.
On the other hand, mistrust has led to fear and then hatred. The Police has been militarized provoking fear, anger, resentment and mistrust resulting in police killing innocent people. Guns beget guns. Well armed Police instills fear. Becoming a Police is a special attraction to violent people. We are in this mode now. The only way to overcome this is to disarm the police.
Disarmed Police will not be attractive to violent people. Disarmed Police will be trusted and respected.
Currently the Police are acting “after the fact”. They are no longer policing.They are reacting.
Police should behave like parents. Parents are not there to arrest. Parents offer guidance in the right direction. A special division of Police should be created to take legal action against those who choose to fall outside.
Police should not carry guns. That way they are not intimidating. People will trust them.
Police behaviour should be such that the people approach them when in trouble or about to get into trouble.
In addition to being counselors, police stations should provide food, clothing and shelter for the needy and not be a jail.
I am dreaming and is a prerequisite.
Jagy Pattur
Mount Vernon
Letters to the Editor Sept. 1
September 1, 2022