Another winter has come and gone in Mount Vernon and Lisbon, and with those cold temperatures, there’s any number of items that could have seen damage or impacts in the community.
One of those ongoing projects for the City of Mount Vernon is a sidewalk replacement program for damaged sidewalk panels. The program is in the fourth year of the rotation, with the southeast quadrant being identified by the city for repairs.
The city of Mount Vernon will be letting projects out to bid May 16 for the quadrant, with the hope work of replacing damaged sidewalk panels will be completed over this summer or fall.
“If property owners want to be a part of the city-led project, they need to let city staff know by May 16,” Eckles said.
Contact Eckles at 319-895-8742 or [email protected] to be added to the project.
Eckles said notices are being sent to property owners in the southeast quadrant who need to make repairs to their sidewalks.
If homeowners don’t want to partner with the city for repairs, they need to let the city know of their intentions of replacing sidewalks themselves.
Eckles said the city has a list of contractors who do this type of work locally that any property owners can contact, or they can find their own contractor to work with.
While work will be targeted on the southeast quadrant this year, there may be inspections completed on other sidewalks in other quadrants as well.
The southwest quadrant would be on the radar for completion in the next year, before the project would return to the northwest quadrant and move clockwise.
Still, if a homeowner discovers a sidewalk they believe to be dangerous or in need of attention, they can fill out a request for the city staff to evaluate if repairs are needed sooner than the rotation schedule.
Examples of the types of sidewalk damage include sidewalks a half inch vertically raised, sidewalks sinking more than four inches, cracked sidewalk panels, sidewalks missing pieces, sidewalk panels spalled for more than 50 percent of the surface, or sidewalk panels splitting.
Eckles explained that inspections follow guidelines of different damage to sidewalk panels in different parts of community, and that damaged panels that need to be replaced will be marked with pink paint.
Communications on needed sidewalk repairs in the southeast quadrant have started going out to property owners right now.
The most important thing for property owners to note – sidewalk replacement needs to follow the standards of the city, and if they do not, the panels replaced will be reconstructed to ensure they comply with city standards.
The city of Mount Vernon has established a revolving loan fund solely for sidewalk repairs. Loans under $750 will operate interest-free on a 3-year term. Loan amounts over $750 will operate interest-free on a 6-year term.
Property owners who would like to apply for the revolving loan fund for sidewalks can do so by contacting the City and filling out necessary loan agreement paperwork.
Property owners have two months to make replacements to any sidewalks noted as damaged during inspections by the city or opt to participate in the city-led project for replacing sidewalks.
Steps if you’re working with a contractor to replace sidewalk panels• Contact a contractor to do the repair or new construction
• Contact City Hall at 319-895-8742 if you are interested in the revolving loan fund;
• Have your contractor contact public works director Eldon Downs via city hall at 319-895-8742 to discuss placement and alignment of the sidewalk
• Have the sidewalk repair done, with City inspection before concrete is poured
• City staff will inspect the sidewalk to ensure repairs are compliant to City Code
If a property owner wants to complete sidewalk repairs on their own, property owners and their contractors will need to make contact with Downs at least three times in the process. Those three times in the process include:
• Before beginning work to discuss placement and appropriate remedies
• After forms are set up but prior to cement pouring
• After the repairs are completed
Anyone digging or replacing sidewalks needs to contact Iowa One Call before any excavation work is completed to locate adjacent buried utilities. That phone number is 1-800-292-8989, and needs to be made 48 hours before any excavation occurs.
Inspect sidewalk panels for possible needed repairs this year
April 21, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.