I read a quote recently by author Bryce W. Anderson, “I’ve found that no matter what life throws at me, music softens the blow.” This certainly has been true for me in the difficult times in my life. Whether it was hearing calming notes when I was worried or scared or the lyrics of a song that gave me hope when things looked desperate, music certainly can bring peace to troubling times.
A few weeks ago, the Mount Vernon School District’s Music Department had three concerts in one week. This wasn’t the original plan, but Iowa’s winter weather caused cancellations and postponements and the concerts showcasing the choir, orchestra, and band programs fell on three nights in one week.
These unique concerts bring together students from many different grades and ability levels to share what they are learning and then end the evening with one piece they all are able to perform together. This is an exciting opportunity for the youngest students to play with the most accomplished students in the District. I love how it truly harmonizes the music programs across the grades and unifies the students in creating music together, no matter their proficiency level.
At the Choir Concert, this finale number was the song, “As Long as I Have Music,” which has been a tradition for many years. The stage and side areas of the Performing Arts Center were packed with students from grades 6 — 12 all singing together these words:
When the world seems far beyond me
And I have no place to go,
When my life seems cold and empty
And I feel I’m all alone
Then a song that I remember helps to ease
My troubled mind
And I find the strength within me
To reach out just one more time
For as long as I have music
As long as there’s a song for me to sing
I can find a way; I can see a brighter day
The music in my life will set my spirit free
Before us were students of all different backgrounds and varying life interests, but music had brought them together that night. And the message of this song was full of hope and peace, especially fitting after the past two years we have all lived through. The audience was touched, not only with their beautiful voices and the amazing sight of all of them singing together, but of the power of the message that this song conveyed.
These last two years have been so long and draining on all of us. It has been a lonely time, where we weren’t sure what the result would be or when the end would ever come. I know that I have found peace and hope through music during this time. Whether it was listening or playing the piano or singing, having music has calmed me on those hard days.
If you missed this concert, you can watch this song on the Go MV Stangs YouTube channel by clicking on “Choir All Sing” and then scrolling to the one hour, two minute mark of the concert. You can also find many versions of choirs singing this song on YouTube. I was amazed with how many groups in so many different countries had recorded the song.
Music has been there for me in my life to lift me up and encourage me. I have found joy in creating music and in hearing it performed by others. I have used it to calm crying infants and also soothe troubled teenagers. And I know from experience that, “as long as there’s a song for me to sing, I can find a way; I can see a brighter day” because music brings us hope and happiness.
Three concerts in one week highlights music’s importance
March 24, 2022
The members of all the choirs at Mount Vernon took the stage in the auditorium for their finale, “As Long As I Have Music.” A video of the song can be found on the Go MV Stangs YouTube page.