Thank you Mount
Vernon Lions ClubOver the March 18 and 19 weekend, the local chapter of the Lions Club hosted their District Annual Convention in Mt. Vernon. Eighty-five registrant Lions Club members from Eastern Iowa engaged in two days of educational activities with national Lions speakers and service recognition with awards for chapter accomplishments.
On behalf of all the citizens of Mount Vernon, I had the honor to welcome the group to town at their awards luncheon. I invited the participants to enjoy our town for the weekend and to come back again soon. Thanks to Lions District Governor, Paul Fugate, for bringing the group to Mount Vernon and local president Jim Baty for being the official host.
Thanks to Mount Vernon School District for providing the HIgh School as the convention site and to Gwen Drahos for catering a delicious lunch. For 98 years, Mount Vernon Lions Club has been a strong volunteer organization for our community. They live their motto, We Serve.
Tom Wieseler,
Mount Vernon
Letter to editor
March 24, 2022