The Lisbon American Legion recently announced the winners of the “What the Flag Means to Me” essay contest that they adjudicate every year. Winners received a cash prize and will get to read the essay aloud at Memorial Day services in Lisbon.
Tanner Beatty, first placeI recently learned just how important the flag is to American history. It made me think about how important it is to me as well. To me, the flag is important because it symbolizes honor, rights, unity, and peace.
The flag means honor to me when I see it. I feel honored that people have risked their lives to protect us and let us have peace in America. When I see the flag, I feel honored to be in this country that really amazing people started.
When I see the flag, I see rights. Americans don’t restrict people from being who they want to be as a person. I also think of rights because when people from different countries come here, we respect them and give them the same rights we would give a U.S. citizen.
When I see the flag, I think of unity. I think of unity because we help different countries and help random people even if we don’t live in that state or know the person we are helping. I also see unity because the states are united, not apart, and they work together to make America great.
When I see the flag, I see peace. I see peace because America tries it’s hardest to have peace in the country. Another reason the flag means peace is that soldiers fought for our peace.
As you can see, the flag means a lot to me. I hope it means a lot to everyone else
Klayton Kahl,
second place Every morning when we say the pledge, I think of freedom, respect, teamwork, and honor. The flag is very important in our country.
The first thing that I think of when I see the flag is freedom. The reason it means freedom is because we are free in our country unlike some other countries. We can do a lot of things that other countries can’t do. For example, we can vote and go to school wherever we want.
Another thing the flag means is respect. The reason it means respect is because we respect everyone that has fought in our country. Veterans and soldiers have lost their lives to protect us.
The third thing the flag means is teamwork. The reason it means teamwork is because one person can’t do it all. Teamwork protects us because if nobody was working together, many more soldiers could die. It is also easier to get work done when you use teamwork.
The last thing the flag means to me is honor. We do something called flag ceremonies. It is a respectful way to honor a flag. I appreciate everyone that has volunteered to serve for our country.
As you see the flag means a lot to me. I will keep displaying my flag and treating it how it deserves to be treated.
Kayla Bergmann,
third placeWe should all be proud to live in the United States. We should all respect the flag and what it stands for. I think the flag means loyalty, risk, and home.
The flag symbolizes loyalty to me. I think of loyalty because of all the people who don’t turn back during battle. They weren’t scared. They did that and we won many wars. They fought for the land and for the flag.
Another thing the flag represents is risk. People in the military know they have to take a risk. They could die, or they could get injured. They may have someone they know get injured.
The last thing the flag means to me is home. The military fought for us to have the flag. They fought so hopefully they would have a home. We are surrounded by people who respect each other to come home to. We fought so we could bring peace upon land.
I found out that some of my family members were in the military. I know that one of them was in WWII. It makes me proud to know he took a risk for the good of the land. It makes me glad to know he fought for the flag. I will always look up to him and the risk and loyalty he took.
I have always thought of the military as great people. Looking back at what soldiers have done is amazing. They fought for land and freedom. I will always look up to them for this. I will never forget the great things they have done for us. Especially how they brought the flag home
What the Flag Means to Me
February 17, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.