Lisbon earned four Division I ratings at State Large Group speech contest and three Division II ratings at Cedar Rapids Kennedy Saturday, Feb. 5. Among those Division I ratings were two straight Division I ratings. All State Large Group nominations were not announced by press deadline.
Those from Lisbon earning Division I ratings at state included: TV news “Con” starring Will Bennett, Sophie Jennett, Johnny Mallie, Henry Streuber, Blair Baltes, Alex Bock, Kaden Bohr-Caspers, Ella Clark, Hunter Clark, Cohen Kamaus, Ben Morningstar, Kali Nelson, Peyton Robinson, Ryan Ross and Baylor Speidel; short film “New Voicemail” starring Johnny Mallie, Henry Streuber, Justin Miksch, Nathan Ricke, Jenna Woodward and Johnny Broulik; musical theater “Something Rotten” starring Rachel Masters, Maria McAlexander, Justin Miksch, Mya Whittenbaugh, Johnny Broulik, Gavin Reinken and Teagan Wahlstrom; and radio broadcasting “MULA” starring Nathan Ricke, Ava Cossolotto and Ericson Morris.
Earning Division II ratings were: solo mime “Sewing Snafu” starring Nicole Hasselbusch; ensemble acting “Steel Magnolias” starring Rachel Masters, Maria McAlexander, Mya Whittenbaugh, Sam Cooley, Teagan Wahlstrom and Sarah Dietsch; and group improvisation starring Jenna Woodward, Sam Cooley, Gavin Reinken, Bennett Cart and Morgan Kelley;
Lisbon speech earns four Division Is at state
February 10, 2022