Time has flown by! We have reached the end of January and week three of the legislative session. Here are the weekly highlights.
Iowa House Republicans want a tax plan that is simple, responsible and cuts taxes for all Iowans. The Biden Economy is hurting Iowa families and we need to deliver relief now. Iowa House Republicans released our own tax plan on Thursday that closely resembles the Governor’s tax cut plan. Our plan is similar to the Governor’s plan by: lowering taxes for all Iowans so everyone pays a flat tax rate of 4% and by making retirement income exempt for all Iowans and creating a new income exemption option for retired farmers. Our plan does not include a tax cut for corporations, keeping the focus on individual Iowans who need relief most right now. Our bill also includes an outline on how to use the Taxpayer Relief Fund to offset the tax cut and keep the budget balanced.
Our tax plan will not raise taxes for any Iowan.
This week, the House Transportation Committee passed a bill that prohibits drivers from using a cell phone while driving unless the use is hands free or voice activated. House File 372 passed the committee 19-1 and revises Iowa’s current texting-and-driving law to prohibit the use of an electronic device while driving. There is a 6-month grace period and then starting in January 2023, law enforcement will issue a $100 fine for those operating a phone while driving.
The Iowa Veterans Commission released its annual report on the status of the Iowa Veterans Trust Fund. The report can be found here: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/DF/1285546.pdf Currently the Trust Fund has $36.2 million. Annually the Iowa Lottery transfers $2.5 million to the Trust Fund based on proceeds. Additionally, the Trust Fund accumulates interest that increases the balance. In 2021, the Commission expended $1.7 million to assist veterans based on statutorily allowed expenditures.
It is an honor to be in Des Moines representing District 95 and the people of Iowa. I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email ([email protected]) with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of District 95
From the Statehouse: Tax cut plan moves forward, cell phone bill amended
Charlie McClintock
House District 95
February 3, 2022