Lisbon will be hiring an assistant Future Farmers of America instructor.
Lisbon and Springville Schools currently share an instructor for their FFA program. Part of the stipulation of the contract of sharing the teacher for FFA programs, superintendent Autumn Pino said, was that an assistant instructor was hired.
The role would be paid via stipend instead of hourly, as there are times during fairs or contests that students participate in that the person would need to be assisting the instructor more than on a week to week level of hours.
“It’s a lot more running and supporting the current teacher, especially at events, as opposed to leading or teaching students,” Pino said. “Just having an extra adult supervising students is beneficial.”
Pino said that instructor Mikayla Larsen has said as she has gotten used to this year of working with students in both Springville and Lisbon she has a better idea of when that additional help would be most beneficial to students.
The position will be advertised in coming weeks.
Board member John Prasil said that the sooner a person is found for the role is better.
“Especially with how many projects that FFA students get involved in,” Prasil said.