Linn County ERA 2 funds allocated to the County through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) are running low and residents in need of rent assistance should submit their applications as soon as possible to take advantage of this one-time funding. Applications for ERAP close February 21.
To learn more about ERAP or apply for assistance, contact Waypoint by phone at 319-366-7999 or via email at Waypoint staff will connect applicants to the application.
Due to exceptionally high demand for funding, the wait for a decision on an application for assistance could be up to 4-6 weeks, and funding is limited. Applying for assistance does not guarantee an applicant will receive funding. Applicants waiting for a decision are encouraged to work on a self-resolution plan in the event funding is unavailable and communicate their situation with their landlord and/or utility provider.
A self-resolution plan may include:
• Talking to your landlord to notify them of your situation and ask for extra time to pay rent or to set up a payment plan for any rent that is due.
• Paying what you can for this month, even if it is not the full amount.
• Reaching out to friends/family for assistance. It can be tough to ask, but reaching out for help could make a difference.
• Asking your employer if a pay advance is possible.
• Identifying ways to supplement income this month.
Linn County initially received $3 million to help address housing instability through the federal rent assistance program. Through a partnership with Waypoint Services, Linn County has already supported over 525 households, not just by covering past-due rent but by connecting residents to long-term stability resources.
Since the pandemic’s onset in 2020, ERAP funds have been a lifeline for many facing housing challenges. As this valuable program comes to a close, Linn County remains committed to helping as many households as possible with the remaining funds and connecting applicants to local programs where additional financial assistance may be available.