Lisbon’s fifth grade students participated in the “What the Flag Means to Me” essay contest. Every fifth grader was encouraged to write an essay, and the three winners will have the opportunity to read their essay at Lisbon’s Memorial Day festivities at Lisbon Cemetery later this year, as well as a cash prize. All fifth graders at Lisbon were also awarded with a Dilly Bar ice cream treat, thanks to American Legion Cyclops Post in Lisbon, who judged the contest.
First place winner – Oliver Broulik
Every time I see the flag, it makes me think of just how important it is to me. To me, the flag stands for rights, bravery, and courage.
The flag means rights to me. It means rights as we have the right to choose who we want as our leader. You can leave the USA whenever you want. You have the right to remain silent while in court.
Another thing the flag means to me is bravery. As soldiers go into battles knowing they might not come back. We also say no to bad deals with other countries even if they might attack us that very second.
Next, the flag means courage. It means courage because we never give up even if we’re losing the battle. We also work hard all day to make sure our country is safe.
There are many ways I will treat the flag with respect. I will make sure the flag does not touch the ground. I will make sure the flag is not flown upside down unless there is an emergency. I will keep the flag up from sunrise to sun down. I will only leave the flag up at night if there is a light on it. I will take the flag down in bad weather. I will not store the flag where it can get dirty.
The flag has always played an important role in my family. This is because I’ve had many family members who served in the military. One is my dad who served in the Marine Corps for six years. My great-uncle fought and died in World War II and my great-grandpa served in World War I.
Second place winner – Hollis Whitman
I recently learned just how important the flag is to American history. It made me realize how important it is to me as well. To me, the flag is important because it symbolizes teamwork, the military, liberty, and courage.
When I see the flag, I think of teamwork. The citizens of the country work together. The government works together.
I think of the military when I see the flag. Military members are those who volunteered to serve and help protect our country. The military are also the people who fight for the flag.
If people come up to me and ask what the flag means to me, I would say liberty. I would say liberty because I think we have freedom in our country. We also have the privilege to vote.
I also think of courage when I see the flag. People stand up for our country. Because of this, as Americans we should have courage.
I will always treat the flag with respect. I will display the flag from sunrise to sunset if it is outside. As the flag passes by, I will put my hand on my heart. Don’t let the flag touch the ground.
As I’ve said, we should all be proud to live in the United States. We should all respect the flag and what it stands for. Next time you see the flag, stand up and put your right hand over your heart, or if you are a veteran, salute the flag.
Third place winner – Aubrey Sporrer
I recently learned just how important the flag is to American history. It made me realize how important it is to me as well. To me, the flag is important because it symbolizes respect, freedom, and strength.
To me, the flag means respect. My dad was in the Army for eight years. He fought for America. All soldiers have to take a risk to keep America safe. We get treated the way we want to get treated. We give our respect to the soldiers who fought for us.
I think of freedom when I see the flag. The first amendment protects the five freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the freedom to petition.
Last, the flag means strength. It gives me strength and lets me know that when I grow up, I’ll go into the army to make America safe just like every other soldier did.
I will always treat the flag with respect by following the flag code. I will never let the flag touch the ground. I will never wear it as clothing, I will never use the flag as decoration, I will never draw marks on the flag.
As I’ve said, we should all respect the flag and what it stands for. Next time you see the flag , stand up and put your right hand over your heart and be proud.