Mount Vernon begins looking into general obligation debt of $5 million for the radio water meter reads, pool infrastructure improvements and the new low-to-moderate income housing along Glenn Street.
The low-to-moderate income housing project was officially approved by the Mount Vernon City Council in early January, which will add 30 apartments for senior citizens.
The Republicans and Democrats set up caucuses for the 2024 election. Trump was the clear winner in the straw polls, both locally and statewide.
The streetscape project with JEO was approved by the Mount Vernon City Council.
Mount Vernon got hit with significant snowfall the week of Jan. 8 through Jan. 10, when more than 12 inches were dumped in the community.
Lisbon hires Elizabeth Hoover de Galvez as library director.
Washington Elementary students complete a stuffed animal drive for the Hallmark Care Center and Rehabilitation Center of Lisbon ahead of the holidays, with more than 1,000 stuffed animals donated during the month of December
Mount Vernon Bank and Trust celebrates banks 140th anniversary.
Mount Vernon-Lisbon Childcare Solutions group raised more than $90,000 to help with retention grants for area daycare centers.
The pool improvements went out for bid in late January for the city of Mount Vernon.
The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun and Solon Economist newspapers were acquired by Student Publications, Inc.
Lisbon holds a jazz festival for area schools.
Bigs Barbecue and Brew Pub closed the doors of their Second Avenue location and moved to the uptown business district.
Matt Leeman was selected as the new superintendent for Mount Vernon Schools.
Power outages in Mount Vernon Jan. 19 and Jan. 24 were attributed to equipment issues along Alliant Energy’s lines. Jan. 19 caused a power outage at the Mount Vernon School building, while Jan. 24 was a transformer failure in uptown Mount Vernon.
Lisbon had two Division I ratings at state speech contest and Mount Vernon had 21 Division I ratings. Mount Vernon also had five All-State large group nominations this year.
Mount Vernon Schools began looking at health insurance options and other cost savings for the district. Superintendent Greg Batenhorst outlined enrollment projections have been soft for the district for a number of years, on top of other issues that lead to corrections needing to be made now.
Lisbon approved the purchase of a new fire truck, to be delivered to Lisbon in the next two years. The goal was to have the truck purchased before the new emission standards went into place.
Lisbon Schools approved an ag instructor for the 2024-25 school year.
Chalk the Walk announced the community piece as Frida Kahlo with Parrot.
Lisbon Business Professionals of America advanced five youth to the national conference.
The Mount Vernon streetscape project held it’s first public meeting in late February, looking at the Mount Vernon uptown streets.
Lisbon Dance holds their annual dance showcase.
Washington Street in downtown Lisbon was closed for a short period of time in March, as work began again on Lisbon’s water main improvements.
March came in like a lion for area firefighting crews, as they had several field fires in late February they were addressing.
Former Lisbon library director Amy White had one more day with patrons and the community at her retirement celebration Feb. 29.
Washington Elementary students took part in a Leap Day celebration for the Leap Day Feb. 29.
Mount Vernon and Lisbon performed at Voxman Music Hall as part of the KCCK Jazz Project.
MVHPC approves certificate of no material effect for roof repairs at Cole Library at Cornell College.
EMC Insurance declared the barns at Pleasant Grove Heritage Park as structurally unsound, and instructed Lisbon City Council to have plans for the barn’s demolition by September.
Mount Vernon-Lisbon community Development Group director Joe Jennison announced his plans to step down as director in March.
Mount Vernon speech had 11 individuals named to All-State Individual Speech Festival.
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library extended to providing books to Mount Vernon, due to the financial assistance of Bauman’s Clothing.
The walls started going up for the career and technical education wing and weight room additions at Lisbon Schools.
Action was initially tabled on the third phase of the Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation and Mount Vernon Area Arts Council’s third phase trail funding.
The Mount Vernon School system discontinued it’s cash stipend for employee insurance program beginning in August. The policy was getting the district fined by the Affordable Care Act for being non-compliant.
Mount Vernon schools hold Java Jazz night.
Food insecurity increased across the state this year, including in the communities of Mount Vernon and Lisbon.
Lisbon Jazz band was fifth at state tournament.
Mount Vernon instituted a moratorium on smoke or vape shops as the city looked into ordinance changes.
Mount Vernon school board approved roughly $460,000 in budget cuts to address budget.
Washington Elementary students take part in NPR’s podcast challenge in a joint unit with Cornell College.
Renovations were complete at the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department.
Mount Vernon Schools approved additional budget cuts of $250,000 for the coming fiscal year. The board also approved a backfill stipend for staff losing cash payments for insurance for the coming school year. The board also plans to take a closer look at finances in the coming school year.
Mount Vernon Lions Club celebrated 100 years in the community.
Friends of Palisades Kepler 5K drew more than 40 racers.
The radio water meter read project went out for bids in late April.
Mount Vernon streetscape continued with discussion in late April.
A panel on food insecurity was held at Mount Vernon United Methodist Church.
Mount Vernon Childcare Solutions committee was seeking additional donations for the coming year to continue offering employee retention benefits.
Lisbon elementary students participated in the University of Iowa’s School of the Wild program in early May.
Chalk the Walk festival returned to Mount Vernon. Josh Wirtz and Leah Presnal were selected to return to the festival as featured artists.
Local artists Keri Speidel and Cameron Reimers had two of the Herky’s on Parade this past summer.
Cornell College graduates 241 students.
Teeling Walk-A-Thon raised more than $22,000.
Mount Vernon graduates 107, Lisbon students graduate 50 for the year.
Work began on King Chapel this spring.
The City of Lisbon and City of Mount Vernon approved repaving of portions of Business 30 to be completed over the summer.
Mount Vernon mayor Tom Wieseler used his veto powers to adding a flag to the city’s flag poles, citing need for a year of the policy in effect to evaluate which holidays should be observed.
The Mount Vernon Boosters Club began work on refurbishing the Mount Vernon Middle School gymnasium floor.
Mount Vernon and Lisbon schools had a weather delay on the last day of school, as early morning thunderstorms and potential tornadoes impacted the area.
Lisbon held a talent show on the final day of school for the 2023-24 school year.
The Colt Drums Corps made a stop at Cornell College for a week of drill this summer.
Mount Vernon’s Chocolate Stroll celebrates 15 years in Mount Vernon.
Mount Vernon centarian Fred Lehman passed away.
Mount Vernon’s sustainability committee began work on a prairie project in Mount Vernon.
An attempt to override mayor Tom Wieseler’s veto on the flag policy failed in a 3-2 vote.
Mount Vernon Area Arts Council celebrated 20 years in Mount Vernon.
Four Cornell College instructors were injured in a stabbing incident in China.
Mount Vernon Planning and Zoning commission started collecting feedback on tiny homes and accessory dwelling units.
The third phase of funding for the sculpture art trail passed funding 3-2.
Jessie Thurn was named the new director of Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group.
Mount Vernon approved the first reading of the establishment of a cemetery commission.
Lisbon band director Joseph Arch starts a summer frisbie golf league for Lisbon and Mount Vernon youth.
Funnel clouds passed by Mount Vernon in late June during a summer storm.
A dragonfly sculpture was installed on the Mount Vernon Sculpture Trail in Mount Vernon in late June.
The City of Lisbon approved the lease of a TurfTank painting robot to be shared between the City of Lisbon and Lisbon Schools for painting their field lines.
New pastor Erika Uthe begins at Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church.
Mount Vernon Heritage Days festival is held.
Improvements were finalized at Teeling Court, including new drainage and turf installed for the playground, thanks to donations from local community members.
Eastern Central of Iowa Governments released a housing study for Mount Vernon and Lisbon that showed housing growth in the communities has been slow since 2010. Mount Vernon has also shown that home prices are above the median income for the community, and there is a lack of housing for those making $25,000 or less annually.
Mount Vernon was named as a pilot program for Alliant Energy’s Smart streetlight replacement program. The infrastructure improvement will replace light poles from First Street Community Center to Memorial Park, with a number of poles having smart features like digital banners on the poles.
Kwik Star started move on potential plans to move to the community of Mount Vernon by placing two plats up for approval. The City would be responsible for extending infrastructure to the development with a development agreement.
Mount Vernon Bank and Trust had their work for a remodel of their parking lot approved by the city council. The work was slated to be completed in two phases over the next year.
Mount Vernon Schools began research into solar panels at the district in the future. Discussion also went into improvements for heating, ventilation and cooling for multiple buildings.
Lisbon and Mount Vernon Marching bands prepare for seasons.
Lisbon’s Sauerkraut Days held.
Lisbon’s construction projects saw delays that impacted the project ahead of the start of the school year.
Groundbreaking was held on the Cottonwood Trail apartment complex along Glenn Street, the apartment complex that will house 30 apartments for low to moderate income senior citizens.
Support for the future art trail project continued at Mount Vernon City council.
Mount Vernon, Lisbon and Cornell College begin school years.
The new pavilion at the Lisbon sports complex has been named the Goldin Pavilion, in honor of former mayor Steve Goldin.
Local Girl Scouts Betty Bartlett and Emily Brade completed a Silver Award project, the second highest award in Girl Scouts.
Hilltop Plants and Records opens in uptown Mount Vernon.
Big Boy No. 4014 passed through Mount Vernon and Lisbon on it’s stop in Rochelle, Ill., as part of the national tour.
Mount Vernon discusses expanding Rachel Street infrastructure, one of the requirements for the Kwik Star agreement moving forward. City administrator Chris Nosbisch said expansion of infrastructure would be needed in the future, even without a development agreement.
Abbe Creek Gallery opens doors in Mount Vernon in the former Right Frame of Mind space.
Friends of the Palisades-Kepler State hosted a mushroom foray at the park for the first time.
An ag educational program is being investigated by Mount Vernon schools as a possible lane of study in the future.
Mount Vernon and Lisbon schools approved changes to attendance policies required by the state.
Mount Vernon schools held homecoming festivities, including inductees of the hall of fame. ACHIEVEMENT — Bill Yeisley, Class of 1952 FINE ARTS — Jude Smith, Class of 1981 SERVICE — James Moore, Class of 1953 COMMUNITY IMPACT — Tom Wilkinson, Class of 1986 ATHLETIC — Wayne Hormann, Class of 1985.
Lincoln Highway Arts Festival was held.
Bon Appetit at Cornell College celebrated 20 years of farm-to-table meals and supporting local growers.
The Highway 1 Marching Band Classic returned this year to be hosted by Mount Vernon.
New owners were named of the Bijou Movie Theater, with Chris and Kira Moore stepping down from owning the theater. Kelli and John Lane worked on renovations to the space and opened ahead of Thanksgiving.
Major repairs for King Chapel are slated to begin April 2025. In the interim, sensors are set up on the exterior of the building to monitor any movement of the building.
Mount Vernon Family Medicine opened doors in uptown Mount Vernon, the third medical clinic in Mount Vernon.
The ordinance on smoke and vape shops failed to advance past it’s first reading on a 2-1 vote. Questions about the necessity of the ordinance change were reasons for the pause.
WEWalk outraised the amount raised in 2023 for the annual fundraiser.
Mount Vernon Chili Cook-Off was held, with Cornell College Women’s Basketball team winning the people and judge’s choice awards.
Seeding of the prairie ground along First Street North began it’s first year of seeding.
Scouting for Food raised donations for Southeast Linn Community Center.
One of the podcasts for Washington Elementary, the Super S’s, was named honorable mention by National Public Radio in the Student Podcast Challenge.
Lisbon Library hosted a Day of the Dead celebration for Halloween festivities.

A generator was approved for installation at the Lester Buresh Family Community Wellness Center.
Mount Vernon saw between 60 to 80 percent turnout for the general election this year.
Lisbon FFA students spoke about what they’ve enjoyed about the new program at a meeting in November.
Mount Vernon began investigating the possibility of adding a childcare center at the Lester Buresh Family Community Wellness Center.
Bleachers were being installed to the Mount Vernon softball diamonds, thanks to financial support from Fred Burke to complete one final punch list item for the project.
Repairs to Lisbon Library’s roof were approved at a meeting in late November.
Mount Vernon families held the 14th annual Turkey Trot that helped raise funds for Southeast Linn Community Center. $2,380 was collected for SELCC.
The Wolf Carbon Solutions Pipeline withdrew it’s application from the Iowa Utilities Commission in early December, drawing to a close a pipeline that would have stretched south of Mount Vernon and Lisbon.
Project 60 served more than 175 meals this year.
Magical Night was held in Mount Vernon.
Pleasant Grove Heritage Park’s ownership was transferred to a non-profit group in early December after months of closed door meetings between the city and others involved in the process.