Mount Vernon Community Blood Drive
The Student Humanitarian Society of Mount Vernon will be hosting a blood drive Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 2 – 6 pm in the Mount Vernon High School Commons. Sign up online at or contact Megan Krapfl at mkrapfl@mvcsd. org
Give & get your choice of a gift card, bonus points to shop the donor store for the new ImpactLife Cuffed Beanie & more, or designate a donation to area food banks.
Springville-Lisbon FFA food drive
Springville-Lisbon FFA chapter are holding a feed a family donation drive through Thursday, Nov. 22. The goal is to collect enough items to offer meals for 50 families within the two communities.
Items collected include canned fruits and vegetables, boxed mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, boxed dessert items, juice/drinks for four people.
All items should be turned into Mrs. Larsen’s rooms. Monetary donations are also accepted for the drive.