Nathan Countryman
Steady crowds line up to the Trunk or Treat event Sunday, Oct. 27.
Warm weather and sunny skies helped Wellness Coalition of Rural Linn County’s Trunk or Treat event draw a crowd of more than 460 people this year.
Themes for trunks this year included “Where’s Waldo?”, “I Spy”, Dungeons and Dragons-esque adventures, Olympic Games, family movie night and more. Plus, the ever popular ambulance, fire department and sheriff department booths.
Kassy Rice with Wellness Coalition of Rural Linn County said the anonymous judge voted for LBC’s family movie night decorated trunk as their favorite, but there were many good participants this year.
Among the sounds of the event, youth were excited to take part in the dice games at the Dungeons and Dragons event. David Hanson was so excited at his chance to slay the dragon that when he rolled the oversized 20 sided die, it rolled under an adjacent vehicle.
Other opportunities like seeing the inside of a fire truck were highlights for other kids. The family friendly trick or treating alternative in Mount Vernon continues to grow in popularity each year.
Aside from the events on the exterior parking lots of Lester Buresh Family Community Wellness Center, there were also games and activities inside the center for kids to take part in after collecting candy and other prizes outside.
The Wellness Coalition of Rural Linn County was taking an impromptu survey of adults as well during the event of the dangerous drugs facing teenagers at the moment, with alcohol and vaping being the two who were getting the highest number of votes at roughly 3 p.m.