Gronewold, Bell, Kyhnn & Co. P.C. CPAs have released an audit report on the City of Lisbon.
The auditors reported that the City’s receipts for its governmental funds totaled $2,875,311 for the year ended June 30, 2024. The receipts included $1,210,348 in property tax, $35,973 in other city taxes, $384,658 in local option sales tax, $176,940 in tax increment financing collections, $810,655 from intergovernmental sources, $36,837 from use of money and property, $15,930 from licenses and permits, $38,726 from charges for services, and $165,244 in miscellaneous revenues.
The City’s receipts for its proprietary funds totaled $1,216,014 of which $1,203,323 was from charges for services, $1,458 from interest on investments and $11,233 in miscellaneous revenues.
Disbursements for its governmental funds totaled $5,137,962, and included $608,138 for public safety, $464,893 for public works, $490,696 for culture and recreation, $110,330 in community and economic development, $394,553 in general government, $427,360 for debt service and $2,641,992 for capital projects.
Disbursements of the City’s proprietary funds totaled $1,162,894, of which $949,959 was attributable to its business type activities, $159,841 for debt service, and $53,094 for capital projects. This report contains recommendations to the city council and other city officials.
The city has responded that corrective action is being taken for each item. City administrator Brandon Siggins said at the city council meeting that the one area the city continues to work to address is segregation of duties, which is hard for a small staff to do.
A copy of the audit report is available for review in the office of the Auditor of State and the City Administrator’s office.