The lobby space wasn’t completed on time for the start of the school year at Lisbon Schools as promised, as was discussed at the Aug. 20 Lisbon School Board meeting.
John Baker, member of the facilities committee for the school board, said the hope was that enough could be completed for the entrance that it could serve as a passthrough entrance during drop-off and pick-up for the school Friday, Aug. 23. A final completion date for the flooring and all elements of the lobby space is now looking to be in early September. Weights should be moving into the new weight room Sept. 6.
The flooring installer on the weight room was speaking about the longevity the district could see in the new weight room floor, as well as the ability for athletes to not experience injuries like shin splints on the flooring during a tour Wednesday evening.
Baker said adding the better flooring was something the district was able to do in the value engineering phase of the project when costs for the building came in under budget.
The career and technical education wing and four classroom spaces at Lisbon as part of that wing will be concluded by the middle of October to early November. The issue with the CTE space is finishing the roofing for the industrial technology classroom and then work can move to the classroom interior spaces.
According to superintendent Autumn Pino, two of the four panels in the lobby are in, they just haven’t been properly installed as the contractors are focused right now on the floor to try and have that finalized just before school starts.
“They understand the sense of urgency associated with this project,” Pino said. “It’s why they were getting to work on the flooring starting today so it was hopefully ready for early next week.”
One part of the project that was completed is new carpeting between the district office and high school office, which hosts the choir and band rooms and is a high-traffic connecting portion of the school building.
Even with construction slightly delayed, Pino said many teachers are appreciative and acknowledging the work that has been completed at the school over the summer.
The air conditioning unit has the ductwork installed; they are just waiting for Trane to make the proper connections to the rooftop unit. The other part of the projects from the sum- mer that was completed “on time and under budget” as John Prasil said was the work on the new Lisbon playground.
More than 16 tons of dirt was excavated as part of the project, new drainage added, turf installed and work on the Teeling basketball court, gaga ball pit, tetherball and other areas was also completed.
Drainage also works extremely fast on the new playground, which was one of the significant goals to address with that project.
Prasil thanked elementary principal Justin Brown for time and help Brown contributed to the project, as well as elementary teacher Keri Speidel for her artwork along the sidewalks.
“Those contributions of staff going above and beyond for their school are hard to express how grateful we are for them,” Pino said. “That adds so much joy to the playground for our students.”