Lisbon’s bulky item clean-up day in mid-June collected more weight of trash removed, and only cost $30 more than last year.
Lisbon city clerk Christina Eicher said the total garbage collected amounted to 6.92 tons, which was an increase of roughly 0.86 tons for the community. The cost, even with the increased tonnage, was a miniscule overall increase for the program, going to $1,171.44 this year, compared to $1,141.98 last year.
Midwest Electronic Recovery was able to collect 2,939 pounds of electronics, which was more than the 2,320 pounds collected last year. Eicher said despite the weight collected, this year’s cost for electronics was $413.10 compared to $584 from last year.
“The pricing for electronics was much lower, but we had bulkier electronics collected,” Eicher said.
The amount of iron and recyclable metal collected has not been indicated for this year.
“It’s a really great day and program for Lisbon,” said Lisbon mayor Doug O’Connor.
Public works director Travis Bagby suggested if clean-up day is held again next year, the city may look to reduce the hours to two hours as opposed to the three hours it was held.
“Everyone who was going to be taking part in the clean-up day was already lined up in those first two hours, and after those two hours, we had minimal traffic to either site,” Bagby said. “We’d take as long as we need to get through that line.”