The Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG) is excited to help one business in the Main Street District prepare an application for a Main Street Iowa Challenge Grant. This grant is made possible through Main Street Iowa and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). Main Street Iowa has a proven track record of success administering numerous HUD Challenge Grants including the grant awarded locally to Chameleons in 2010, the Video Village building in 2014, the Broulik building in 2017, the Bauman building in 2019, the Mount Vernon Family Counseling building in 2020, the Right Frame of Mind building in 2021, and the Old Fire Station in 2023.
Only one application can be submitted for the Main Street Iowa Challenge Grant through the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group. With that in mind, CDG is asking for a “Request for Proposals” for projects within the 12-block designated Main Street District.
To respond to this request, please submit a one-page summary of the proposed project, and any accompanying renderings, estimates, contracts or bids. Minimum items to include in the summary are address of the property, anticipated scope of work, sources of funding, and stated impact to the community. The one-page summary should be submitted to the CDG office at the Mount Vernon Visitor Center, P.O. Box 31 — 311 First St. NW, or by email to [email protected] by 5 p.m. on Friday, August 2, 2024. Three proposals will be selected by Monday, Aug. 12. The main representative associated with those three projects will have an opportunity to come in and speak with the volunteer committee at a to be determined date. Only one project from Mount Vernon can be submitted to the state Challenge Grant committee.
All proposals will be judged locally using the state level criteria of project impact in the designated Main Street district, design appropriateness, innovation and utilization of the Iowa Green Streets approach. The winning proposal will be submitted from our community to the Main Street Iowa Challenge Grant program.
Eligible projects include:
• Building Rehabilitation and/or restoration, including, but not limited to: – Façade improvements (front, rear and side)
• Interior Rehabilitation (first floor commercial and upper story housing)
• Structural repairs and building system improvements
• Single specific phase of a large rehab. The project must have a specific defined focus and clearly identified scope of work, with commitment to future phases demonstrated.
Ineligible projects:
• Projects involving public government buildings or religious facilities
• Projects involving building demolition or deconstruction
The dollar amount to be awarded will be $25,000 to $100,000. A 100-percent, dollar-for-dollar, cash match is required, meaning the project must be between $50,000 and $200,000. Other federal or state grant program awards may not be used to satisfy the cash match for the project/property. The match requirement may include necessary project costs for professional service, i.e. architectural or engineering studies. Award announcement is scheduled for Nov. 6.
Only the Main Street organization, known locally as the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group (CDG), may submit applications on behalf of local project. Award of the challenge grant will be dispersed to chosen beneficiaries through the local Main Street organization (CDG).
Any further questions can be addressed to Jessie Thurn at [email protected] or via phone 319-210-9935.