Mount Vernon Board of Education
June 3, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Mount Vernon Board of Education was held in the High School Library on June 3, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Those present were President Rick Elliott, Kristi Meyer, Suzette Kragenbrink, Lance Schoff, Tim Keegan, Greg Batenhorst, and Michael Marshall. Absent were Jason Clark and Jeremy Kunz.
Moved by Keegan seconded by Schoff that the Board approve the agenda. Carried unanimously.
Public comment was held. Curt Hancock spoke on prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dr. Batenhorst spoke briefly on another successful school year for students and staff. He also recognized the Board for School Board Appreciation Month.
Moved by Schoff seconded by Meyer that the Board approved the handbooks for Washington Elementary, MV Middle School, and MV High School. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Schoff that the Board approve the increase of administrator contracts at 3.75%. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Schoff that the Board approve a $4000 retention bonus for the administrators. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Kragenbrink seconded by Keegan that the Board approve the contract of Ryan Frank as Washington Elementary Counselor. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Schoff seconded by Meyer that the Board approve the contract of Anita Nost as High School Kitchen Staff. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Keegan that the Board approve the second reading of policies 405.2, 411.2, 507.8R1, 704.1, 704.6, 704.6R1, 706.1, 706.2, 706.3, 706.3R1, 707.1, 707.4, 707.6, 204, 404.1R1, 705.1R1, 707.5R1, 507.9. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Kragenbrink seconded by Schoff that the Board approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda includes the May 13 and May 22 minutes, list of bills for June 3, Open Enrollments, Resignations, 2024-2024 Grant Wood AEA SubCentral Agreement, and Return to Learn Plan. Carried unanimously.
The Board recessed at 6:49 PM. The Board reconvened at 6:52 PM.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Schoff, the Board voted to go into closed session to review the Emergency Operations plan pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(a). Roll call vote was taken. Ayes – Kragenbrink, Meyer, Schoff, Keegan, Elliott. Nays – None. Motion Carried.
The Board entered closed session at 6:53 PM. The Board moved out of closed session at 7:44 PM.
Moved by Kragenbrink seconded by Meyer that the Board approve the Emergency Operations plan. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Meyer seconded by Schoff that the Board adjourn. Carried unanimously.
Adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Rick Elliott
Attest Michael Marshall
Published in the MVL Sun, July 4, 2024