TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 9:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Running-Marquardt, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Zumbach (arriving at 9:11 a.m. due to other county business). Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt called the meeting to order.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of June 24, 2024 as printed.The Board received updates from the following Department Heads:
David Thielen, LCCS Exec. Dir. – Hired an Asst. Juvenile Detention Dir.; budget is on target; hired Homeless Systems Mgr.; Juvenile Detention Center incident will be explained one on one with the Boardmembers; contracts for provider services at the MH Access Center have been signed; continue to work on the Withdrawal licensing as well as policies and procedures with Unity Point; Child & Youth Develop. staff continue to work online registration process; Cedar Rapids Comm. Sch. Dist. nominated Options to receive a 2024 Governor’s Volunteer Award; state funded over $380,000 for Early Childhood Programs; and East Central Region Mental Health guidance coming from the state. Supervisor Zumbach arrived at the meeting at this time. Chairperson Running-Marquardt stated that the Homeless Coord. position is a three-year project, however, it’s more than a three-year problem.
Pramod Dwivedi, Health Dept. Dir. – Iowa Care for Yourself program and state funding; Substance Misuse Comm. has completed all seven agreements for hosting a Nalozone Vending Machine; staff completed the Community Health Assessment and submitted for review; looking at fee structure to support their work; Public Health and Univ. of Iowa’s Inst. For Public Health Practice have finalized the workforce development survey; met with new Cedar Rapids Police Chief to discuss various issues; met with CEO of Foundation2 to touch bae and reaffirm commitment to the ongoing partnership, including the PREVAYL initiative; racism as a public health crisis (received confirmation of program grant); preparing for a two-day workshop this fall hosted by the Racial Equity Inst. Focusing on institutional and structural racism; mobile health unit pilot project (immunizations and sports physicals for 2024-2025 school year); the Chief Medical Officer and the Public Health Div. Dir. of IHHS is visiting Public Health this fall to gather feedback (the Board is invited); and visited the New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Jon Gallagher, Soil Conservation – Indian Creek Soil Health Partnership: USGS stream gauge at Thomas Park received an additional year of funding; Federal grant funds for the Soil Health Coord. concludes August 1st (will discuss possible future funding); Iowa Water Quality Initiative Nutrient Reduction grant submitted; Edge of Field Day scheduled for July 18th; partnering with the Linn County Sustainability Dept. at the Linn County Fair this week among other things. Weed Commissioner: Poison Hemlock is becoming more and more of a problem in Linn County.
Dustin Peterson, Veteran Affairs Dir. – staffing (retirement and her replacement); budget on target; assisting veterans that are experiencing financial hardships due to unexpected life events; community outreach and Cedar Valley Veterans Network events; attended national training in Denver, CO along with a staff member; and participated in the first ever NACVSO Veterans Claims Clinic. He shared a “good news story” regarding a homeless veteran that they assisted who was not being recognized as a veteran (receiving a lump sum back pay and a monthly payment).
Cara Matteson, Sustainability Dir. – Strategic Plan: established a Mission Statement, three Key Performance Indicators identified, and continue to meet with other departments on Sustainability and partnerships; budget and grant updates including ARPA projects; Personnel: a second Green Iowa Americorps member started June 3rd and two additional positions will be sought for September 2024 – August 2025. Resiliency Coord. will be transitioning to EMA on July 1st. Discussion continued regarding office conditions (lack of proper HVAC). Current Activities: June 5 was World Environment Day; partnership outreach 9meeting with various cities and organizations); and Lin County Fair this week.
Adjournment at 10:39 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun, July 4, 2024