MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024 10:00 A.M.
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Running-Marquardt, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Zumbach. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt called the meeting to order.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of June 18, 2024 as printed.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to approve claims dated 06-21-2024 for Payroll Deduction Checks No. 71014835 to 71014841 in the amount of $22,725.19; ACH in the amount of $56,911.04; an EFT wire in the amount of $732,662.07; and a wire in the amount of $2,121,167.28 for a total of $2,933,465.58.
Steve Estenson, Risk Manager, presented a request for the use of the Dr. Percy & Lileah Harris Building for a free vision clinic by Delta Dental from June 25 to June 27, 2024. He stated that he has all required documents in hand, Facilities will cover the floor and he will place a Resolution on Wednesday’s agenda.
Terri Godwin, Child & Youth Development, stated that Delta Dental & Delta Vision has requested to use the gym at the Harris Building to conduct a free vision clinic. They did this last fall and 430 patients received glasses free of charge.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to approve request for the use of the Dr Percy & Lileah Harris Building for a free vision clinic by Delta Dental from June 25 to June 27, 2024.
Estenson also presented a Certificate of Insurance for Linn County offices participating in the Linn County Fair, June 26 to 30, 2024.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to approve and authorize Chair to sign a Certificate of Insurance for Linn County offices participating in the Linn County Fair, June 26 to 30, 2024.
Sonia Evans, Budget & Finance, presented a request for American Rescue Plan Act funding to the National Czech & Slovak Museum – & Library for the NCSML Orloj Clocktower Project in the amount of $15,000. The Board will approve Wednesday.
Evans also presented the following funding recommendations of the Linn County Opioid Settlement Committee, noting that $1 million is available and they are expecting another $400,000: Cedar Rapids Police Dept. – $28,900.00 (purchase narcotic identification machine); Linn County Sheriff – $323,295.19 (additional Deputy & vehicle to serve court ordered committals); Linn County Sheriff – $323,295.19 (additional Deputy & vehicle for Transport Div.); Mercy Medical Center-Sedlacek Treatment Center – $61,213.16 (items not funded last round); Mental Health Access Center – $325,460 (startup costs to provide withdrawal management center); St. Lukes Health Care Found. – $164,944 (2-yr. pilot proj. for 1 FTE Care Coord, 2 pre-doctoral interns); and St. Lukes Health Care Found. – $263,000 (expand psychology training program).
Supervisor Zumbach asked if there is a plan for funding positions once funding is gone, noting that he is not a fan of paying for employees with one time money but he does understand the need. The Board will approve Wednesday.
Charlie Nichols, Planning & Development Dir., presented a deed restriction for the farm portion of the Dows Farm development. This is the last piece needed to run the trail through the Dows Farm. He noted that neighbors are concerned about this farm ground getting transformed into residential. This is an extraction precaution to assure them that it will stay as farm use. There is also another restriction on the size of any structure that is built and it is limited to ag. use. The Board will approve Wednesday.
Ashley Balius, Comm. Outreach & Assistance Dir., introduced Deanna Robinson and Tracy Auchenbach, ECICOG, who gave a presentation of the Linn County Housing Equity Analysis. This analysis focused on communities within the metro area including Cedar Rapids, Hiawatha, and Marion and identified disparate impacts in housing based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability status, and other factors. Key insights from the Housing Equity Analysis include:
• Redlining and racial covenants created large areas of disinvestment, with a present-day impact on the community. Data analysis demonstrates housing equity is a systemic problem with disparities in lending activity by census tract, resembling modern-day redlining.
• Homeownership remains out of reach for many households due to scarcity of units, rising inflation, home prices, and rental prices.
• The average median age of a home buyer increased from 39 in 2008 to 47 in 2020.
• As pandemic housing protections have been obligated or expired, eviction and foreclosure rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Linn County will use this analysis to partner with communities, groups and organizations to see what they can do to make housing more equitable in Linn County.
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June 24, 2024
Public Comment: Ben Rogers, Board of Supervisors, stated that the Cedar River is expected to crest at 14 ft. with no impact on Linn County’s infrastructure. It is considered a moderate flood risk level. They are monitoring and have no concerns about the Courthouse, Jail, Public Service Center or other assets in and around the flood impacted areas.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations) as follows:
Recording Specialist Anna Garcia Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Cassandra Snyder Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Gwen Smith Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Julie Hollan Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Leah McDowell Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55C $23.44 – 56B $23.99 New position
Recording Specialist Matthew Black Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55C $23.44 – 56B $23.99 New position
Recording Specialist Savanna Hutchins Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Stacey Williams Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Recording Specialist Tammy Brooks Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55B $22.28 – 56B $23.99 New position
Recording Specialist Valerie Jelinek Promotion – internal applicant 07/01/24 55E $26.10 – 56D $26.72 New position
Criminal Prosecutor I Collin Jacobsen Corrected effective date 08/05/24
Criminal Prosecutor I Nathaniel Bennett Corrected effective date 08/05/24
Secretary Julie James Temporary transfer 06/15/24 55C $22.54
Deputy Sheriff Christopher Butterfield Step increase/contract 07/10/24 DB $33.91 – D1 $35.39
Deputy Sheriff Tremaine Sideeq Step increase/contract 07/12/24D2 $36.81 – D3 $38.21
Deputy Sheriff Derrick Sexton Step increase/contract 07/24/24 DB $33.91 – D1 $35.39
Deputy Sheriff Bradyn Miller Step increase/contract 07/27/24 D3 $38.21 – D4 $39.65
Deputy Sheriff Samuel Olson Step increase/contract 07/27/24 D3 $38.21 – $39.65
Duty Officer Hannah Carey New hire – FT 07/08/24 56A $22.84 + $ .25 Replaces B. Milburn-Nesler
Correctional Ctr Nurse Stacia Koontz New hire – FT 07/08/24 39A $38.26
Detention Officer Scott Annis Step increase/contract 07/10/24 TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Detention Officer Shea Grove Step increase/contract 07/10/24 TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Detention Officer Justin Mackie Step increase/contract 07/10/24 TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Duty Officer TerriAnne Akers End of probation 07/18/24 56A $22.84 + $ .25 – 56B $23.99 + $ .25
Detention Officer Monique Hinson Step increase/contract 07/24/24 TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Detention Officer Caleb Snyder Step increase/contract 07/24/24 TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Detention Officer Jacob Dunnwald Step increase/contract 07/24/24TB $31.46 – T1 $32.58
Collections & Acctg Serv. Ashley Hill New hire – FT 07/08/24 57A $24.74
Harm Reduction Coord. Kursten Lyon Termination/resignation 06/29/24
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to reappoint Jena Maloney, Kursten Lyon, and Tim Campbell to the Ryan White Home Health Advisory Committee for another three-year term, ending June 30, 2027.
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June 24, 2024
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to reappoint Craig Aldrich and Jean Wiedenheft to the Roadside Advisory Committee for another three-year term, ending June 30, 2027.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to appoint Laura Martin, Theresa Lewis, and Dr. Christopher Johnson to the Community Services Advisory Board for a three-year term, ending June 30, 2027.
Adjournment at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun, July 4, 2024