WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024 10:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Running-Marquardt and Vice Chairperson Rogers. Absent: Supervisor Zumbach (personal business). Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of June 3, 2024 as printed.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve claims for payable checks dated 06/05/2024 #71014625 to #71014707 in the amount of $276,536.82; and ACH in the amount of $2,099,585.42; for a total of $2,376,122.24; and voided check in the amount of $41,692.47.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve Consent Agenda as follows:
Resolution 2024-6-84
A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER WITHIN THE LINN COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2024 ANNUAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the Linn County Board of Supervisors previously approved the Linn County Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Budget; and, WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is necessary to transfer appropriations within the County Environment and Education service area of said budget; and, WHEREAS, sufficient appropriations are available to provide for the necessary transfer; and, WHEREAS, said transfer is within the County Environment and Education service area, and is made by resolution of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Iowa Code Section 331.434(6). NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Linn County Board of Supervisors that appropriations within the Linn County Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Budget are revised as follows: Organization Transfer 15 Sustainability $5,000 46 Conservation ($5,000)
Resolution 2024-6-85
A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER WITHIN THE LINN COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2024 ANNUAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the Linn County Board of Supervisors previously approved the Linn County Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Budget; and, WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is necessary to transfer appropriations within the County Environment and Education service area of said budget; and, WHEREAS, sufficient appropriations are available to provide for the necessary transfer; and, WHEREAS, said transfer is within the County Environment and Education service area, and is made by resolution of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Iowa Code Section 331.434(6). NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Linn County Board of Supervisors that appropriations within the Linn County Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Budget are revised as follows: Organization Transfer 15 Planning & Development $5,000 46 Conservation ($5,000).
Resolution 2024-6-86
A RESOLUTION APPROVING PETITIONS FOR THE SUSPENSION OF THE COLLECTION OF FISCAL YEAR 2024/ASSESSMENT YEAR 2022 PROPERTY TAXES WHEREAS, the Linn County Board of Supervisors is this day presented with properly filed, duly sworn petitions for the suspension of the collection of property taxes and/or special assessments pursuant to Iowa Code Section 427.8; and WHEREAS, the properties for which the assessments against the Petitioners are made lie within Linn County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, the Petitioners are unable to contribute to the public revenue by reason of age, infirmity, or both. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Linn County Board of Supervisors, this date met in lawful session, that the attached petitions are approved for the Petitioners, parcels, and tax years described as follows: PETITIONER PARCEL # TAX YEARS SPECIAL # Patterson, Sandra 13252-53003-00000 2024 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Linn County Board of Supervisors orders the Linn County Treasurer to suspend the collection of the property taxes assessed against the Petitioners or the Petitioner’s estates, for the parcels listed above for the tax years as indicated. PASSED AND APPROVED
A Resolution approving a Residential Parcel Split for ROZINEK SECOND ADDITION.
The following description is a summary of Resolution 2024-6-87 as passed and approved by Linn County Board of Supervisors, effective June 5, 2024.
ROZINEK SECOND ADDITION (Case # PPS23-0010) to Linn County, Iowa, containing two (2) lots, numbered lot 1 and lettered lot A, a subdivision of real estate located in the SW SW of Section 32, Township 83 North, Range 6 West of the 5th P.M., Linn County, Iowa, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 83 North, Range 6 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; thence S89°18’27’W along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, 271.87 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing S89°18’27″W along said south line, 154.69 feet; thence N0°49’03’W, 342.43 feet; thence N89°19’48″E, 426.56 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence S0°49’03″E, 281.65 feet; thence southeasterly 75.72 feet along right of way and the arc of a 219.00 foot curve, concave northeasterly, chord bears S37°07’07″E, 75.33 feet; thence S1°56’08″E, 137.37 feet; thence N85°06’46″W, 213.51 feet; thence N43°13’31’W, 158.20 feet to the point of beginning.
Said parcel contain 4.14 acres, subject to easements and restrictions of record.
The full text of the Resolution may be inspected in the Linn County Auditor’s Office located at 935 Second Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or on the Linn County website at
Approve a purchase order PO618 in the amount of $48,370.25 to Pigott Inc. Office Pavilion for additional chairs for the Health and Human Services Department.
Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a 2024 renewal agreement with Continuant for phone system maintenance in the amount of $6,293.66 per month.
Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a 2024 renewal agreement with Continuant Connect Microsoft Teams Calling for installation and maintenance, a one-time charge in the amount of $66,494.93 and $8,937.46 per month.
Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Fiscal Year 2025 Contracts for Law Enforcement Services provided by the Linn County Sheriff’s Office at a rate of $42. per hour effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for the following Linn County towns:
Alburnett 10 hours per week Fairfax 18 hours per week
Bertram 6 hours per week Palo 87 hours per month
Center Point 21 hours per week Prairieburg 9 hours per month
Central City 21 hours per week Springville 80 hours per month
Coggon 40 hours per month Walker 14 hours per week
Ely 108 hours per month Walford 20 hours per week
Treasurer Brent Oleson presented a Resolution appointing Jennifer Hebert as Deputy Treasurer.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Running-Marquardt to adopt Resolution 2024-6-88
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 331.903(1), Code of Iowa, Brent C. Oleson, Linn County Treasurer, has submitted to the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, for approval of Jennifer Hebert, for appointment as Deputy Linn County Treasurer, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, finds Jennifer Hebert to be qualified to serve as Deputy Linn County Treasurer and that the appointment of Jennifer Hebert will not exceed the number of deputies authorized for the Linn County Treasurer’s Office by the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, that the appointment of Jennifer Hebert as Deputy Linn County Treasurer by Brent C. Oleson, Linn County Treasurer, is hereby approved.
Adjournment at 10:03 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, June 20, 2024