TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024 9:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Running-Marquardt, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Zumbach. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Running-Marquardt called the meeting to order.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of June 10, 2024 as presented.
The Board received updates from the following Department Heads:
Brad Ketels, County Engineer – the leadership team has been attending several trainings and have met with Ted Garnett to review departmental strategic plan; budget on target; Design Tech. position still vacant (getting along without it); new Secondary Road Headquarters progressing (looking at an August date to let bids); construction projects completed and in process; and seal coating operations are starting up and will continue for next few weeks. There were a few miscommunications connected to the Martelle Rd. project and that is being remedied.
Carter Baldwin, LIFTS Dir. – the Medicaid contract has been received (reviewed by legal) and sent back; and alternative fuel bus project. He concurs with the suggestion that they use Alliant funds for another project.
The Board thanked Baldwin for his leadership with his involvement with possible transportation options with regard to the First Ave. Hy-Vee store that is slated to close and other collaborations within the community.
Matt Warfield, Deputy Auditor, stated that as a prelude to the canvass that is on the agenda later in the meeting, they are taking the opportunity to look at this election (no contested races) as a “canvass by sampling”. The purpose of the canvass is to validate the votes that were cast for the election. The Elections staff actually does that before coming to the Board. Essentially the Board is auditing the Election staff’s work. Some counties approach this by asking the Board which precincts they want to review. Based on the initial review of those precincts, the Board can decide how they proceed. The Board concurred with the canvass by sampling method.
Dawn Jindrich, Finance Dir. – Budget is on track; fully staffed; audit dates are set with Eide Bailly (some remote and some on site); FY 24 projects (year-end planning meeting this week); working on continuing disclosure filing with the Municipal Securities Board; annual budget document will be on line this year; working on a list of budget reminders for departments; software training in the fall; and grant administration training. Working on arbitrage rebate calculations with regard to bonds (may owe IRS).
The Board congratulated Jindrich for receiving the GFOA 2024 Outstanding Public Servant Award. What she does for the county and dedicating her life to making sure that the fiscal health of Linn County is at an outstanding level. They retain their Aaa bond rating, and they are very proud of her and grateful for her work and her service.
The Board canvassed votes of 12 precincts from the June 4, 2024 Primary Election.
Deputy Warfield stated that the June 4th Primary Election was held to select candidates for the November election. They had a record low turnout – 3.08%. Total of 4,953 voters. There were 0 provisional ballots on election day. Received 3 absentee ballots after polls closed (not counted) and no ballots were counted after the election. The post-election audit (hand count) was held for Pct. CR 09 (Lovely Lane Meth. Church).
Supervisor Zumbach stated that he will not be canvassing any precincts that contain his daughter’s name.
Nominee Certification – Linn County, Iowa (Prepared per Code of Iowa Section 43.55).Election Name: Primary Election; Election Date: June 4, 2024Nominees to appear on the General Election Ballot for Linn County Offices are listed below:
Democratic Party
County Board of Supervisors District 3 Molly Donahue
County Auditor Todd Taylor
County Sheriff Brian Gardner
Republican Party
County Board of Supervisors District 3 Brandy Zumbach Meisheid
Linn County Offices for which there is not a nominee are listed below.
Democratic Party
• None
Republican Party
• Auditor
• Sheriff
Libertarian Party
• Board of Supervisors
• Auditor
• Sheriff
Warfield stated that there will be a September 10 election and the canvass will be held September 17 (notice has been given by three jurisdictions). The November General canvass will be Nov. 12.
Adjournment at 9:44 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, June 20, 2024