(Subject to Approval)
June 10th, 2024
CALL TO ORDER: The City Council of Lisbon, Iowa, met in regular session on June 10th, 2024, at 7:00p.m. with Mayor Doug O’Connor presiding. The following City Council members were present: John Bardsley, Mike Williams, Keven Steele, Nathan Smith and Rick Scott.
OTHERS PRESENT: Drayton Kamberling, Doug Shannon, Brandon Siggins, Travis Bagby, Dave Schechinger, Brandon Horman and Sue Robinson. Becky Hess and Marc Mohn were present via zoom.
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Williams, seconded by Smith to approve the consent agenda consisting of minutes of May 13th, list of bills, tobacco permits for Dollar General, Family Dollar and Brother’s Market, treasurer’s report for May, and utility refunds. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Brandon Horman from Lisbon schools presented a lease option for a turf tank paint sprayer that the school and city could share. Motion by Scott, seconded by Smith to table the discussion until more research could be done. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Bardsley, seconded by Smith to approve BE Lisbon payment refund to Canton Studio. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Williams, seconded by Smith to approve payment to OPN Architects for a barn study. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Bardsley, seconded by Williams to approve Pay Estimate #9 to B.G., Brecke, Inc. for Water Main Improvements in the amount of $233,266.06. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Bardsley, seconded by Smith to approve paying rebate to 505 Walnut LLC for Downtown Reinvestment Grant. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Williams to go into public hearing at 7:35pm for Business 30 resurfacing. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0. City Engineer Dave Schechinger presented the bid information.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Williams to go out of public hearing at 7:37pm. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Bardsley to award business 30 resurfacing bid as presented to L.L. Pelling Company, Inc for $1,150,434.00. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Bardsley, seconded by Smith to approve Resolution 15-2024 Board Members. Roll call vote. Ayes: Bardsley, Williams, Steele, Smith, Scott. Absent: None. Nays: None. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Smith to approve Resolution 16-2024 Policy Manual Update with changes made after discussion. Roll call vote. Ayes: Bardsley, Williams, Steele, Smith, Scott. Absent: None. Nays: None. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Williams, seconded by Smith to approve Resolution 18-2024 Property Lien Utility Fees. Roll call vote. Ayes: Bardsley, Williams, Steele, Smith, Scott. Absent: None. Nays: None. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Smith to approve Final Play for Holiga’s First Addition. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
The council received the following reports from city departments:
City Engineer Dave Schechinger – work continues on city projects.
Public Works Director Travis Bagby – Utility installation phase is almost done at the sports complex, meeting with YTT for concrete box, brush pickup added due to high winds, dirt and seeded graves, and placed concrete around new building.
Parks & Recreation Director Drayton Kamberling – mowing, summer sports and organization of events before fall sports are all underway.
Library Director Elizabeth Hoover de Galvez – programs have included a campfire event at the park and cooking classes.
Police Chief Doug Shannon – monthly report submitted.
City Administrator Brandon Siggins – tornado warnings on the last day of school, the old siren still works, surge protector issues, and a touch a truck event is being planned by the library for July 2nd. Meetings with V&K, seeding, ambulance strategic planning meeting, refuse issues, complex grass is coming in nicely. YTT bids are expected August 1st, nuisances, city hall is done except siding, planning and zoning meeting, signage and fence repairs completed.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Bardsley to go into closed session at 8:14pm to discuss possible purchase/sale of real property. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Scott, seconded by Bardsley to go out of closed session at 8:50pm. All Ayes. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Doug O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 8:51pm. Christina Eicher, City Clerk Doug O’Connor, Mayor
Published in the Sun, June 20, 2024