City off Bertram
May 22 minutes
The Public Hearing of the City of Bertram was held on the May 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm at City Hall. Mayor Pro Temp Jim Unzeitig presided over the meeting. Council members present were Louise Hall, John Klimek, Bill Mulholland and Chris Price.
Hall makes a motion to open Public Hearing for Budget FY2025. MSB: Klimek. Hall: Aye Klimek: Aye Mulholland: Aye Price: Aye Motion passed at 6:02 PM.
Public Hearing FY2025 Budget Property tax rate staying the same.Hall makes a motion to close Public Hearing for Budget FY2025. MSB: Price. Hall: Aye Klimek: Aye Mulholland: Aye Price: Aye Motion passed at 6:03 PM.
Bill: LL Pelling. Hall approved for LL Pelling for street cleaning of $1,620.00. MSB: Price. Aye: Hall, Klimek, Mulholland, Price. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Approve Budget FY2025Hall makes a motion to approve Budget FY2025 R-4-2024. MSB: Mulholland. Hall: Aye, Klimek: Aye, Mulholland: Aye, Price: Aye,. Motion passed at 6:08 PM.
Linn County Sheriff Agreement for FY2025. Hall makes motion to approve Linn County Sherriff Agreement for FY2025 MSB: Mulholland. Aye: Hall, Mulholland, Klimek, Price. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Correspondence: Mulholland: Why when I am absent an I recorded as a Nay? Mulholland feels like it should be listed as absent or not at all since attendance shows him as absent. Treasurer Berry stated this is the way we have done it for the past 10 years. Clerk Kuehl stated she will reach out to the Bill Goldy at Iowa League of Cities to see what the requirements are and will report back to the council.
Open to the public: None.
Hall Makes motion to adjourn. MSB: Klimek. Aye: Hall, Klimek, Mulholland, Price. The motion passed at 6:15 pm. Raven Kuehl, City Clerk
Published in the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun, June 13, 2024
City of Bertrram May 22 minutes
June 13, 2024