Please notify of chemical usage in yards
If people use Roundup, I would truly appreciate that they create some kind of notification for anyone walking by.
So many times, my dog (or one of the dogs I pet sit) has her nose in the grass before I get a whiff of the herbicide/pesticide and pull her away in panic and fear.
We lost a beloved 8-year-old dog five months ago to cancer. Studies have shown a connection between cancer and Roundup. Cancer rates in Iowa are rising faster than any other state.
Roundup is sold locally, so I know it is being used. And I smell it in the grass. But not always in time to remove a dog from sniffing.
My plea is for people who use any kind of herbicide or pesticide to please put some kind of signage in your yard to notify others.
Gretchen Reeh-Robinson
Mount Vernon