Linn County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Joel Miller announced today that the Linn County Elections Office has adopted official Standards of Conduct reinforcing its current approach to conducting elections with transparency, integrity, and fairness. The Standards represent a public recommitment by the Linn County Elections Office to upholding the law and U.S. Constitution, providing equal opportunities to all eligible voters, ensuring elections are conducted impartially, and taking other steps to uphold public confidence in free and fair elections.
In making this announcement, Miller shared the following statement:
“Since my election in February 2007, I have subscribed to these principles: 1. Freedom can best be maintained and nurtured through the democratic process; 2. The success of that process requires fair and open elections that accurately reflect the intent of the electorate; 3. It is my duty to protect and promote public trust and confidence in our elections; and 4. My role and the role of everyone involved in our elections demands that the proceeding principles must be placed above personal or partisan gain. These principles are more important than ever during the 2024 election cycle. These Standards of Conduct are not new, but a reiteration and reinforcement of the standards for which we have always applied to our elections.”
Nationwide, election officials are working diligently to prepare for record levels of voter participation and ensure the 2024 election is conducted with fairness and integrity. The Linn County Elections Office is committed to communicating transparently with the public about the elections process and ensuring a fair and accurate count.
The Standards of Conduct adopted by the Linn County Elections Office were developed by the Institute for Election Administration Research & Practice and the Election Center, also known as the National Association of Election Officials, the premier non-partisan, nationwide organization for training and certification of election and voter registration administrators. The Standards of Conduct reinforce the work elections offices around the country already do, while providing the public with a clear and concise view of how election officials conduct their work, the values and principles that underpin fair administration of our elections, and how election officials ensure the integrity of our democracy.
Principles outlined in the Standards of Conduct include:
• Upholding the U.S. and state constitutions and following all federal, state, and local laws
• Conducting elections fairly, efficiently, and accurately
• Providing all eligible voters an equal opportunity to participate
• Being accessible and building positive relationships with the community
For more information on how the Linn County Elections Office conducts fair and accurate elections, contact Linn County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Joel Miller at [email protected].
For information about elections in Linn County, visit Linn County’s website at
Linn County Elections Office adopts official code of ethics, reiterates commitment to integrity and fairness in elections
May 16, 2024