Mount Vernon High School student Rebecca Conrad will be awarded a $5,000 scholarship from the Grand Lodge of Iowa, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
Twenty-six outstanding high school students were selected to receive a scholarship award from a pool of over 335 applicants. Iowa Masons award scholarships each year in recognition of a student’s academic performance, community activities, leadership and financial need.
Sinc ethe program’s inception in 1970, the Grand Lodge of Iowa has awarded 4.023 million in scholarships to more than 2,616 students. This year, 102,500 in scholarships were awarded from an endowment fund established to recognize the accomplishments of young Iowans and to promote the education of future state leaders. Masonry is an organization dedicated to building character among its members. Membership is open to men 18 years and older. There are 217 Masonic Lodges in communities across the state.
Student briefs May 2
May 2, 2024