The City of Lisbon has approved updated fees for the fiscal 2024-25.
The Lisbon parks and recreation department increased fees for soccer, football, baseball and basketball recreation programs, with many increasing by $9.
Parks and recreation also increased the rental fees for pavilions in parks. The rental for one side of a pavilion in Lisbon City Park and nature park is $40 for resident and $50 for non-residents, up from $35. The rental for both sides of pavilions is increasing to $70 for residents and $100 for non-residents, up from $60 currently.
The largest changes in fees, however, were to fees relating to the Lisbon cemetery.
“We have found we are way low on our current pricing for cemetery and after-hours cemetery rate,” city administrator Brandon Siggins said. “In some cases, we’re not even covering wages for overtime for digging graves.”
The fees will increase to $300 for a cemetery opening for cremation, up from $180. It will cost $500 for opening a full cemetery plot, up from $350. The rate for opening a vault for cremation during after-hours will increase to $500, up from $300 and the cemetery opening a full plot after hours will increase $750 up from $600.
Building permits will increase to $25, up from $12 currently and garbage bin charges will increase to $35 up from $30.
The City of Lisbon approved the third and final readings of ordinances for setting rates for parks and pavilions and golf cart permits, which will allow those items to be changed via resolution in the future, instead of multiple readings to change the ordinances.
Fees increasing at City of Lisbon
Nathan Countryman, Editor
May 2, 2024
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.