Club members at the Egg Stravagansa from left to right, Maci Stoner, Dottie Korte, Addi Francois, Owen Francois, and Mya Stoner.
Mount Vernon Trail Blazers 4-H Club
The Mount Vernon Trail Blazers 4-H Club have been busy. The club had their monthly meeting on March 3. Committees met and talked about the Mount Vernon Fire Department Pancake Breakfast happening on March 30, which the club helped with. A member from the youth council brought up that the county Egg Stravagansa is March 24 at the Linn County Fairgrounds from 1:30 to 4 p.m.. It was also mentioned that the clubs annual roadside clean up will be April 14 at 2 p.m. before the April meeting at the Stoner farm. After the club’s meeting there was an Agriculture Safety Demonstration. There were volunteers at five different stations, helping members gain knowledge about first-aid and farm safety related activities.
Submitted by,
Dottie Korte, club reporter