After seven years with the same email address, I’ve suddenly been left with a new minor headache.
People sending things to my old email address I no longer have access to.
Beginning spring break week, we transitioned over to our new domain for email,
I like it. It’s simpler. It’s shorter. Makes fitting on the byline portion of stories easier.
And with a fresh email account, I’m back under 1,000 emails for the first time in a decade.
I communicated with people before the switchover happened, especially in my city and community government offices that publish legals with us about that in early February, about my new email address. But those were to select agencies, not the public.
The email address after our bylines is always how I want readers to be able to reach us. When our new emails went live, I switched to using my mvlsun address for any replies to any email received.
My first inkling It hasn’t updated everywhere was when I didn’t get the letter from Lisa White about Joe Jennison stepping down over Spring break. Luckily, Nicole McAlexander at Southeast Linn Community Center mentioned it when I was covering an event there to spur me into action on reporting.
We’ve been working on Progress 2024 and wrapping that up over the past few weeks as well, and there were a handful of people who said “I sent it to you, did you get it?” replies when I asked about answers to copy for the section. Only for me to realize it probably went to my old email account, and have to clarify that no, I didn’t. My old email did.
I get it. People’s contact autofill all the time when you’re typing something to the news or Nathan Countryman addresses with the one that was used most frequently in the past seven years. I’ve had the same thing happen when trying to email chief Doug Shannon after they switched domains in the past few years.
If I haven’t replied to an email you sent that it was received, please send it to [email protected] or [email protected]. Chances are it may be at the domain I no longer have access to and is no longer forwarding the mountains of emails those old accounts used to receive.
Sunny Side – New email, who this?
Nathan Countryman, Editor
April 4, 2024
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.