Trent Devore in singles, and Alexander Hadler-Strumlauf/Federico Polidori in doubles, notched their 7th consecutive wins as Cornell’s men’s tennis team downed University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, 5-4, Saturday at the Cornell Tennis Courts.
The Rams built an early 3-0 doubles sweep with convincing wins at all three spots. Hadler-Strumlauf/Polidori won 8-4 at No. 1, Devore/Mills Arnold won 8-4 at No. 2, and Zachary Ong/August Krahn won 8-3 at No. 3.
Cornell claimed straight-set victories in two of the singles matches to clinch the meet. Ong won 6-1, 6-2 at No. 4, while Devore provided the clinch winning 6-3, 7-5 at No. 3. Arnold narrowly fell in a third set super tiebreak at No. 5.
The Pointers collected straight set wins at the remaining singles spots.
Cornell men take home dual over Pointers, 5-4
April 4, 2024