We have concluded the second legislative deadline of the year, so week eleven was full of floor debate. The Senate passed over 30 bills this week, ranging from issues on insurance companies, emergency medical services, public safety, and more.
The AEA bill was passed in the Iowa Senate Monday, March 18. It passed without my vote. I have received no less than 2,000 emails, calls, and notes on this issue, not to mention the numerous forums I have attended. I have only heard district support for this bill once. I have always voted with my district, and District 42 does not support this bill. This legislation will return to the Senate next week, and I will remain a NO vote.
National Agriculture Day was celebrated all across the country on Tuesday, March 19, highlighting the important role of farmers and the agricultural economy in making the world better. In Iowa, farmers don’t just feed our state or country, they feed the whole world. We’ve taken steps to support our farmers and economy, like passing a labeling law to support farmers raising quality livestock, strengthening land ownership rules to protect against outside control, and passing laws to improve access to emergency medical care for rural areas in Iowa. Thank you to all of our hardworking Iowan farmers.
This week, Senate Study Bill 3189 underwent review by the Ways and Means Committee. It suggests an amendment to enshrine the flat tax in the Iowa Constitution. Earlier this year, a separate proposal emerged, combining the flat tax with a requirement for a two-thirds supermajority to raise tax rates in Iowa. We firmly support both concepts and seek to present each individually to the people of Iowa. These initiatives align with our objective to provide tax relief for Iowans and safeguard the taxpayer-friendly policies established in recent years. Discussions in these subcommittees underscore the significance of these measures in ensuring that Iowans retain more of their earnings. Numerous groups participate in these sessions advocating for increased government revenue from Iowans. Senate Republicans are committed to advocating for taxpayers and diligent Iowans, recognizing that Iowans are better stewards of their finances than the government.
I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email (Charlie.McClintock@legis.iowa.gov) with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of District 42.