The first meeting of the Mount Vernon Streetscape study with stakeholders will be happening Tuesday, Feb. 27.
Assistant city administrator Lori Boren said she will be meeting with each individual in the uptown personally to discuss the streetscape project and remind them of the timeline of decisions and meetings moving forward, as well as invite them to the meeting. A kick-off meeting with city staff and a select group of stakeholders was held in late January.
Members with JEO Consulting were completing survey work in uptown last week, which is why there were a number of people in yellow safety vests in the uptown.
Council member Scott Rose asked about if council was encouraged to attend the meetings and adhering to public meeting rules.
Boren said that this issue is important to the town and will impact numerous people in the community, and if there is a concern this would turn into an official council meeting, they would put out an agenda with only discussion and no action on the streetscape project.
Council member Stephanie West commended the actions of meeting individually with property owners who may be impacted by the streetscape project.
Streetscape public meeting coming Feb. 27
February 15, 2024
Alley survey
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.